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A lE.R't:-.1-.X-fiENCIT4.:

... farmer held her at arm'. length. Why. my wench, surely thou haat set lost thy femme! be said in alarm. What young lady art speaking of! Of Miss Lavinia Norbron, Dal. Nay, den'/ tease me; for cettrja she's at the Noose--- no young lady there,' said be ...


... turned. Still, I host that You'll not be long sway—l shall be glad to get back to tho contorts of my owe hoe's! You isn speak of ecenferte, cried he, wizen belike the peer creature lying all distracted in mono thicket!! I wish to goodream, madam, ...


... ALCESTER. Sniooc.—The FfeacfmastEr. a rep' .t en ilia A rerter Grimmer School for in years 1912 and 1913. speaks o/ the satrfaecry growth of the *rho*i since it was started in February. 1912. the first term these 35 pupils. Thera were now 95-54 bole and ...

Fortune's Frowns

... in the French capital. When he arrived in Pans, unknown and friendless, he had sic , cr had a matte lesson and be could not speak French. Within six months be had mattered the language, and then one day. without introduction. he pretented himself at the ...


... It one dwelt with thee* ore ]wed, why. I believe that the sun wonll never be missed. You know what lore is, mistress? Tim speak from experience? here you are wrong• air. I give you my word this I here never loved. I have mistaken fancy for love; but ...


... bribery. and nothing else. and be said the working class would suffer in the long run by these methods He was not going to speak about the land campaign tint night. but would simply give three reasons why the campaign was brought forward. The first was ...


... Indian Legislative Council et Delhi on 'March 17th. by tie Gov Fleetwood Wilma, •Firerinee Minister in tho Government of Inds. Speaking with all the authority of his °Mend minden. be dearly showed that the present 'elem. - nip position in Indio mimes be Mlltne ...


... had packed up the dimbkd Chad:a end towed her to Pomace:a. The crew of seven are safe. MR. BRYCE & EDUCATIONAL EQUALITY. Speaking at a conference, of Educational soentions. whien began on Friday et the of Lot:don. Mr. Bryce I:i4ged his hearers to lay ...

Isore pleasant than that of old Miss Norbron. She had the discretion to keep the *onsets*. tion turned upon !dwelt

... latter, madam— Ave, her Ladyship is on our side, said aye, and all the better for it. I can live in Miss Norbron. You may speak plainly bepeice—at least I could, but for the interfer- fore her; 'tis her business almost as much ae once of fools, and I ...

FOUR LANGUAGES AT FOURTEEN A rill of 14 acted interp7rter in &reseal Woolaire on Saturday in which Reeler.+ ..

... AT FOURTEEN A rill of 14 acted interp7rter in &reseal Woolaire on Saturday in which Reeler.+ were concerned. The girl. who speak, four languages, was described by the lseivtreta as one of the moot Burnt end able interpreters be bad ever known. ...


... GRISVANGES: SOME STARTLINC FIGURES. Speaking on Saturday et the annual meet. ing of the Gloucester Branch of the Farmers' Union, Mr. W. F. lug (Chairman) said there were 250.1X9 farmers in England and Wales. and out of that number they had from 25.C90 ...