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February 1924
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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News


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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News


... r PEAK of his curve life making demands as never before Now are reserves of energy vital. Horlick's Malted Milk builds up tissue, nerve and brain. In addition, it gives stores of nerve 'force to draw upon in emergency. It is the original combina tion of extracts of wheat flour and malted barley, with fresh dairy milk and there is no alternative. MADE IN ENGLAND At all chemists', in four sites, ...


... . The Atherstone country as it is hunted to-day has been so constituted since Mr. Osbaldeston established a pack of hounds at Witherby in 1815. The Hunt itself, however, is rather older than this. (Our picture, which is from the original water-colour drawing by Lionel Edwards, A.R.C.A., is reproduced by courtesy of Messrs. Soane Smith, Ltd., of 462, Oxford Street, W., the holders of the ...


... WARING& GlLLOwi WARING& GlLLOwi Waring &GilIows Tfewyalues ofl924 in Oak Bedroom Furniture. WARDROBE, 6 ft. 0 in. wide, 6 ft. 6 in. high, interior fitted two- thirds for hanging, supplied with two ruucT nrnotwcDC if, i- -i sliding rods and hooks. One-third fitted shelves. Plain 3 h 0 in hi°. wi.h two wind plate n,irror ntre d°°r- £25 18 6 3 ft. e dressing chest, fitted with two .hot, drawers. ...


... Ik. ownxwE ovmnNE LfMj (CHILDREN who have Ovaltine \Wt i |o as their daily beverage will be as robust V V \1| IaI anc^ as are these bonnie children. l| They are healthy because Ovaltine One cup of Ovaltine supplies more I jJ|| ,*rW o supplies them with the food elements nourishment than 7 cups of cocoa, they need for the maintenance of 12 cups of beef extract or three eggs. Hj J LBA I I, ...

PALMOLIVE Shaving Cream

... A New Experience Your first shave with Palmolive Shaving Cream will be quite unlike any shave you ever had before. It will be smoother, quicker and more comfort able than you ever thought a shave could be. And afterwards your face will feel perfectly smooth and easy without the use of powder, lotion or cold cream. These are strong claims for a shaving cream, but they, are absolutely true. ...


... Marshall i SINELGROVE Marshall s ttNELGROVE BECOMING SEALSILK STOCKINETTE SUIT Smart Coat and Skirt [as sketch), made from the new Sealsilk Stockinette, which has a handsome appearance, specially becoming to a matronly figure, designed exclusively for Marshall Snelgrove. In black, havana, mushroom, sand, navy, and almond. PR TCP. 15 Gns. New Sports Hall A Scotch Golf Clubs, specially ...


... Tne illustrated Sporting: and uramatic News, February lb, I'Jzi. The Illustrated SPORTING B01AMATTG' I No. 2631. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1924. By Inland Post, 1/U Publishing Office 172, Strand, London, W.C.2. ...


... MARSHALL SNELGROVE MARSHALL SNELGROVE NEW COATS FOR COUNTRY WEAR IK the making of country clothes two things are essential, namely, practical cut, which gives comfort to the wearer, and the use of thoroughly I reliable materials. The Coat illustrated has been designed and made by expert tailors who have made a special study of I the requirements necessary for this type of garment, and we have ...

Debenham & Freebody

... Debenham &Freebodv Debenham &Freebodta Dainty and Attractive Cami-Knic^ers AT SPECIAL PRICES For many years we have made a special study of lingerie and have a world wide reputation for the style, character and finish of our underwear. Only reliable quality materials are used and the cut and workmanship are perfect. Practical Cami-Knickers (as sketch) in pure silk cr. pc de Chine, an exact ...


... J. 6c N. PHILIPS CO, LTE J. Be N. PHILIPS CO, LTD. The Joys of Colour i. The First Joy Helpfulness WHAT is Colour? A large pare of the joy of life the means by which sunlight warms the soul. Half of all visible beauty is colour the other half, form. Colours can stimulate, cheer or soothe. Science uses visible and invisible colours (as ultra-violet rays) in the service of health. Not vanity, ...


... LA-ROLA PROTECTS the COMPLEXION i Every complexion, no matter how good it may be, needs a soothing 3 emollient tonic to keep it in tone and I with that glow of vitality so much admired and coveted. IBUETHAMS a-roia as lyre-war is a never-failin g preservative of good 1 I looks. Regularly used it keeps the I skin and complexion in that state of I perfect health which is able to with- stand all ...