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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News




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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

Our Captions Critic: on CHELSEA FOLLIES The Victoria Palace

... Our Qpt'°u$ Onc on CHELSEA FOLLIES (The Victoria Palace). THOUGH the expansive Victoria Palace is hardly adapted to intimate acting, it is exactly suited to the broad fun of Nervo and Knox, the knockabout comedians who dominate this revue from start to finish. Indeed, when they are off the stage the audience is inclined to sit awaiting their return, more in resignation during the interval ...

The World in Maps

... THE author begins with a quotation from R. L. Stevenson I am told there are people who do not care for maps and I find it hard to believe. From the earliest maps, and particularly those covered with drawings of nymphs and strange monsters and with cryptic lettering as to the conditions found in far distant lands, down to the most modern plan ning of a garden city there is a charm to which ...

The New Wisden

... Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack for 1939, in its bright yellow jacke with its green band, is now to hand to welcome the new season. Its 95 pages are full of facts and figure1 Don Bradman writes for the firs time in Wisden, and his Cricket at the Cross Roads is of outstanding importance. He comments unfavour ably on the doped wickets, saying that cricket should be so governed that time-limitless ...

Better Golf

... Sam Snead has produced a pic torial instructional book called the Quick Way to , and I must say it is wonderfully illus trated and produced with the American flair for making the most of golf photos taken in their wonderful light. Snead, although not champion, is classed No. 1 golfer in the States, as he was the top prize winner in last year's tournaments he does really hit the ball a long ...


... YVIERE all heresies presented as 1 amusingly and with as much interest as is Mr. P. B. M. Allan's in Trout Heresy, then there would be no heresy, for we should all be of one mind. We heartily agree with his con tentions that the trout is not a brainy fish, and that it is high time we admitted the fact, even though it deprive us of our stock excuse for an empty creel. The arguments he uses are ...


... K/l AJHR FAIRFAX-BLAKEBOROUGH is not unused to writing, which may account for the engaging manner in which prominent personalities of the Turf are here sketched. Here is a book of racing from the inside. We can meet jockeys, stewards, owners and trainers, whose names are familiar to all, through Major Fairfax-Blakeborough's kind introduction. The bald announcement that Gordon Richards failed ...

Ghostly Farce at the Whitehall

... Ghost for Sale (Whitehall, 8.30) HERE is an old old story about an old old house, which is haunted or supposed to be, the villain (more or less) of the piece using the ghost, or ghostly contrivances of his own devising, for his own ends. Mr. Ronald Jeans has turned it into a farce quite neatly and has added some original touches and plenty of lines of the type he found so useful in his revue ...

Green Memory

... Green Memory Your Honour, Sir, 'the woods at Currawn does be swarmin' with woodcock. Let ye and the other gentlemen come over.-- P. Murphy. Two days later, in the heart of Connemara, in spite of an overdose of Irish enthusiasm that topped the bag with Widow Connor's turkey, 15 couple of 'cock were accounted for. Captain Drought, the author, has a pet theory that more woodcock nowadays nest ...

These Foolish Things

... These Foolish Things. (Palladium, 6.15 and 9) THERE is method in the madness of the Crazy Gang. In These Foolish Things, Mr. George Black's latest Palladium presentation, they are crazier than ever, and even more methodical. Part of their method is to serve up jokes and situations which have done duty in pantomime since the days of Grimaldi. Another part is to let at least half the ...

Official Secret

... Official Secret. (New. 8.30) Since this seems an appropriate time or isn't it to produce a play about plans of a new and deadly aeroplane being secured by an enemy spy, Official Secret popped up at the New Theatre on an evening which was a trifle too exciting for most of us. Some blue-prints had been stolen, and all the patriotic members of the cast looked rather blue about it. The most ...

The Old Public Schools of England

... The Old Public Schools of England The latest volume of the British Heritage series will tell you a number of surprisingly interesting things about other men's schools and pro bably something you did not know about your own. John Rodgers, the author, has collected many delightful and amusing stories which throw a light on the quaint customs and traditions of our leading public schools and of ...


... PROFESSOR LOW'S book is written for children. It is a story in which the hero (aged 16) and his twin sister ride their bicycles into a bus, and (emulating Alice) become transformed into molecules in the water of the radiator. A discussion takes place between them and the other molecules in the water, and in the oil of the engine. Presently, still molecules, the twins are transformed to steam, ...