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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News


... Sir, In your issue of October 2 Captain Paul Curtis refers to a book on duck decoys by Joel D. Barker. Can you give me further details of this book and where it is obtainable E. L. Parish. Ashlea, Swavesey, Cambs. [The book in question is entitled Wildfowl Decoys and is pub lished by .Windward House, 127, East 34 th Street, New York. We can recommend it most highly. Editor.] ...


... Sir, When I'm in England I like to have a flutter occasionally, and out here we have a good number of meetings to pick from. Just as a matter of interest to home readers ana home bookmakers in particular, I enclose the results of a meeting at Quetta. The second race betting shows seven horses at 3 to i and under Can this be beaten If you publish this letter it may cause a stampede of book- ...


... Sir, Until recently those who owned a few cows or who sold only a gallon or less of milk in the village did not have to take out a retailer's licence from the Milk Board. A recent order from that body makes it compulsory for anyone who retails milk other than to his own employees to take out a licence. Application for a licence entails bother and expense. The result is that many people, some ...


... DOGS ON HOLIDAY Sir, Many a dog shares the family holiday and a little forethought will help to ensure that he has an enjoyable time. If a dog is left in a parked car, make sure that it is ventilated and in the shade, and will remain so when the sun moves round. Dogs are thirsty souls and wise motorists will carry a bottle of water and a drinking vessel for the dog as these are often difficult ...


... Sir, As the increase of rooks has been more or less contemporary with much arable going down to grass, and thus a decreasing legitimate food supply, their carnivorous habits have grown steadily, so much so that young birds are now brought up on a diet of game eggs and flesh. I frequently see them hunting hedges and systematically searching for nests and broods in covert and in the open. They ...


... WHAT BECOMES OF DEAD DONKEYS Sir, The question often arises What becomes of dead donkeys I have always kept a look-out for anything unusual, and have wandered over the country for well over half a century and have once only seen the remains of a donkey; that was in the autumn of 1884 when looking over a hedge to watch some lapwings in a water-meadow at Sunbury. I was surprised to see the fresh ...


... Sir, I read with great interest the article on yachting which appeared in the Sporting and Dramatic recently, and noted especially the excellent photograph of the Royal Burnham One Designs in action. As I am captain of the class, and take a keen interest in its welfare, I feel compelled to write and ask if you would be so good as to make public some slight corrections in relation to the cost ...


... Sir, My six-months-old Labrador pup is very wild and often catches live chickens and brings them to hand. I was, however, somewhat surprised when, after I had shot a she-bear on a forest path, the pup dashed into the jungle and brought out to me first one, and then a second bear cub. Thev are now great friends. M. T. Colchester. C/o Ihe Bombay Burmah trading Corporation, Ltd. Mawlaik, Upper ...


... Sir, Robert Peck sold The Bard to M. Leon Saye for £10,000, and his stock proved very successful in France. This wonderful little horse should certainly have been included in my article on Pocket Racehorses which you published in your issue of August 17th. Grove House, Norton-on-Tees. J. Fairfax-Blakeborough. ...

RANELAGH MUST BE SAVED FROM THE BUILDERS: The Sporting and Dramatic's Petition to the Minister of Health--The ..

... RANELAGH MUST BE SAVED FROM THE BUILDERS The Sporting and Dramatic's Petition to the Minister of Health The Earl of Cavan's Support-- 1227 Lady Golfers Sign By the EDITOR SUPPORT grows daily for the petition which the Sporting and Dramatic News is to present to the Minister of Health, asking him to use his good offices to have the grounds of Ranelagh Club town-planned as a private open space ...


... FROM FIELD-MARSHAL THE EARL OF CAVAN Dear Mr. Wentworth Day, I have signed enclosed with great pleasure. The gradual encroachment on London's open spaces fills me with alarm. Yours faithfully, Cavan, F.M. (Vice-Chairman, National Playing Fields Association.) 32, Princes Gardens, S.W.7. Dear Sir, As one who has used the Ranelagh Club on more than one occasion, although not a member, may I say ...


... . We have received the following account of the Brazil Grand Prize from a correspondent Hip Hip Hip. They have just start for the conquest of the V Grand Prize Brazil.' The spectators twists their hands, anxious to see the result of this competition. Of another part of the course he writes, Feature of a partial part of the Jockey Club, where the smart folk of the high life is assembled. Far ...