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... CEO. W. KING LTD GEO. W.KING LTD FARM BUILDINGS For over 17 years Geo. W. King, Ltd., have specialised in building and equipping farm buildings of all descriptions. Write for fully illustrated booklet B.D.43, which describes some of the Farm Buildings, Farm Cottages, etc., built by C. W. King, Ltd., in many parts of the country. H I T C H I N 960 (10 lines) HERTS 'PHONE 3593 HARTFORD WORKS ...


... INCOLNSHIRE RED SHORTHORN ASSOCIATION r 1-- nm IIW-- IT-- THE BEGINNING OF ALL GOOD THINGS The bed-rock of successful cattle breeding must lie in the production of commercial rent-paying cattle. Lincoln Reds are capable of pro ducing more beef and milk per acre than any other breed and so can safely be regarded as the profitable cattle for the progressive farmer. The ideal breed for every ...


... LMMB SSI WET.. WETHER I I never thought a veather co it could lo k so a: ractive Like most things these days, Wctherdairs are in short supply and it may mean that you will have to go out of your district to obtain one. If you do, it will be worth the trouble. Wetherc/o/r Ltd, Bradford and London WET WETHER ...


... Uniform Facts What makes an Austin Reed uniform long wearing and good looking, even in old age? We use the best materials available; but there's more in a good uniform than good materials. The cut and finish and good workmanship come from years of experience of making good clothes for men; and when our peace time uniform department was put on a war footing, it attracted to it many skilled ...


... KODAK FILM is in the Hospitals helping to save life and limb In the hands of radiologists every where Kodak' Film is helping to relieve pain and suffering by provid ing pictures that assist diagnosis and guide the Surgeon. Next time you have difficulty in getting a spool, remember it is because such vital work must come first. Kodak Limited, Kodak House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2 C. 6E P H J L L ...


... nrWTTi i I r.Tl I \W 1 KiTTBTTu^ i^TTTiTTnT!\T3 ■i.mnn):ii;iiHKii;^-- I amtkt I am the dreadnought of the air. The thunder of my engines heralds the thunder of' my bombs. Side bv side ivith others, willing hands in Britain's Motor Industry help to assemble me in ltfrffiinrifo ;y,„. j ...


... RIDE AND KEEP FIT THE BEST WARTIME SERVICE !S TO KEEP >N GOOD HEALTH. RIDING ISTHE FINEST EXERCISE FOR FITNESS. ALL RIDING REQUISITES good vdue and low charges To Measure Jodhpurs28 -to65- Breeches 25 -to 60 Jackets 35'-to84'- Ready for Wear Jodhpurs 35 45 Breeches 30 40 Jackets J0'-,35 -,40 -&63'- Riding Waterproofs 47 6 60 Complete oatfits for Ladies. Gents and Children Goods sent on ...


... The margin between Governmental demands (or . plugs and W: our maximum output is small delays in fulfilling private orders are sometimes unavoidable, m L when they occur-- we beg F A your indulgence. PUTNEY VAIE, LONDON, S .W. 15. ■kIIII ...


... Tjetter days are We regret that meantime, diminishing stocks make it impossible for us to supply more than a modest fraction of the demand for Celesta Sherry and Concord Port. For all supplies, the public should go through their usual retail channels j we are not able to supply direct. cUflPU/te CELESTA I Q/g SHERRY 15 0 ctncC IO/n CONCORD IC'D PORT OUMll III I Willi Mlicioilj Hl'llll'l ...