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... You thought the war was sure to have its lighter side so you set yourself up with glamorous clothes in the interests of the Services on leave. Meanwhile your plainest girl friends write of their triumphs in other places and you find the Services represented in your area by about one and a half subalterns who have their wives with them anyway. Your husband is serving and the home you doted on ...


... \hy JEAN BURNUP s\ Editor Women's Department ,^-v-- sho^o \fJoo\ s Ko \ooV- ^5 ._.q\h *ocVu ,^eroa^°n ^e\r head Jae9e'' X v n „1 w cvw w if \e do *uem ,r> ervdn9 w\o(et /J 4\ Cwm w i (i iP w, t, >>° a°,CckMs'°OS,° C'; w,lh ch=* >'k'9 Vi p, w 8tf t- a°d Us 0>n' ne V>-teve'e c° „tv 00 of 0 „d Vf*9 V-/ \00Vs coa* 00\derd' ^Tv b'°' pto^b.„ 32 ...


... FASHIONS By JEAN BURN VP Editor Women's Department TAKE COVER from cold, depression, boredom. These are not one whit less dangerous to health and morale than disturbed nights, shrapnel, bombs. Buying new clothes, doing over old clothes, just looking at or thinking about clothes* has always been a form of feminine escapism. At the start of the Blitz, women, -bombed from their homes, calmly ...


... %J M M M M M mm lU'llf J Have you ever been horrified lo see, rearing: ahead of you, a huge grotesque carieafure of yourself A black shape fhaf emphasises all lhaf is mosi unpleasanf in your figfure. Don't let it get you down, or ignore it. M)ame of Pouter Pigeon mould, Read these lines and be consoled. Though your bosom may be vast. You can get your shape re-cast. Slim your neckline, slim ...


... A V p By Jean Bnrnnp Editor Women's Department A good suit, centrepiece of this page, is the centrepiece of most well-considered wardrobes. It-is durable, ever appro priate, versatile as the English weather. Among your clothes, it holds the place held in your affections by a dearly loved and reliable friend. Such a suit is photographed .here, with groups of accessories for different times and ...

HOW To Acquire

... Tke a Cu&ut; S-t-r-e-t-c-h like one, slowly, luxuri ously, when you wake. Whenever you remember it, make yourself taller. Raising your arms above your head reach up and up, as though you were trying to touch a line beyond your grasp. Feel the pull. Relax, and let your arms fall forward and down until your fingers almost touch your toes. Learn to relax. Watch any cat settling down to sleep by ...


... Nothing so good has occurred fo fee as the develop ment of the English shoe made on the American last. With the alliance of British craftsmanship and American fittings, perfect shoe comfort and elegance combine. The wedge heel, modified, in many cases, into graceful back-shaping this year, grows in popularity and often appears in contrast colours to the rest of the shoe. An up-and-coming heel ...


... i? J omen are beginning to look for labels on their clothes. Not for Paris names, nor for other ritzy fashion names, but for those which tell that this dress, this outfit, was made by British designers and manufacturers, who miraculously manage to combine top class styling and workmanship with reasonable pricing. Examples of these branded clothes are sketched on these pages and can be obtained ...


... : By Jean Bur imp Editor Womtn'a lirjiarlrnciii FOR THE USEFUL LIFE. A brightly coloured jerkin made from an old dress or a yard and a quarter of new material (using the width downwards) A self belt ties in front with coloured shoelaces. The blouse or dress over which you wear it should have a shirt collar, to give the traditional sports line. TWO-TONES. The two- tone woollen frock and coat ...


... WHY, ISN'T THAT Yes, indeed, it is that venerable check scarf you had two springs before the war. It has been cut in two, attached to the shoulders of a dress, seamed to shape at the waist, with the ends turned up to form deep pockets. Below, observe how a few bright velvet patch-like buttonholes enliven a wool cardigan that was beginning to get hardening of the arteries. i. Copy a soldier's ...

Knitted Jacket, Coupon Saver

... Knitted .Jacket, Coupon Saver MATERIALS 9 oz. Copley Smith's 3-ply Excelsior Wool pair No. 10 needles 8 buttons tape to keep waist shaped if V liked 4 press studs. MEASUREMENTS Round bust, 36 ins. length, 23 ins. sleeve seam, HH| 18 ins. TENSION 84 sts. and 10 rows to 1 in. ^^B THE BACK Cast on 156 sts. Work the following patt. 1st row. B K. 1, p. 1 rep. from to end, ending p. 1 2nd row. B| As ...


... Ily Jean Burnup Editor Women's Department IF YOU WERE STARTING FROM SCRATCH you eoull SO all llic year round, for several years, in the clothes outlined below. A bis coat, wool dress, suit, cardisan, odd skirt, two blouses, two sweaters, a silk dress. Aud, if you chose colours wisely, watched personal grooming:. you would be well dressed in the new austere, clean-cut style of the day. \o ...