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A New Zealand Sheep Muster

... THE large sheep-farms in the mountainous part of the South Island, where half-bred flocks graze on the sparse vegetation of the bush slopes, provide a healthy but strenuous life during the mustering, dipping and shearing seasons. Extra labour is engaged and youngsters from the towns come up to help in the less skilled farmwork. Sheep are driven from the hill-slopes and mustered at the farm. ...

England v. Australia: One-Day Holiday Test Match at Lord's

... England v. Australia One-Day Holiday Test Match at Lord's A RECORD crowd of over 25,000 enjoyed every minute of Whit Monday at Lord's, for the one-day test against Australia was a great success. England won with wickets to spare sbi of them but only ten minutes in time. THE ONE-DAY TEST: Whit Monday at Lord's was grand holiday weather, holiday crowds and a match played to a finish, England ...

Lincolnshire Red Shorthorns

... ON this and following pages are pictures of the three all-red breeds of British cattle notable for their hardiness in cold districts and their ability to stand up to sub-tropical conditions. The Lincolnshire Red Shorthorn cattle shown here are all of a uniform deep cherry-red, and they are distinguished from the modern Coates Herd Book Shorthorns by a greater length of frame and their ...

Maple Sugar: A North-American Industry

... Maple Sugar A North-American Industry EARLY spring, while the ground -is still covered with snow, is the time for the annual tapping of the Sugar Maple, both in the province of Quebec and the north-eastern part of the United States. Sugar harvest is also the time for picnics, dances and late suppers round open-air fires in the intervals between the strenuous work of sugar-making. A crude form ...

Hereford Show and Sale

... HPHE Hereford Herd Book Society, which held its customary Show and Sale in Hereford Cattle Market on the first of the month, has every reason to be proud of its wartime record. Far from having suffered from war conditions, the bulls which came into the ring appeared to be of splendid quality and had been brought to excellent condition. At least one experienced buyer expressed the view WINNERS ...

The Dogs You Lent to the R.A.F

... GUARD-DOG Trials, conducted by an R.A.F. unit in the south, were comprehensive and included various tests. Points were awarded for general condition, condition of coat and skin, teeth, toe-nails, cleanli ness of ears and eyes and absence of lameness. There were two field tests (a) for Escort and Control, and (6) for Obedience each had its essential features. The conditions laid down were very ...

Sampling Hops Prior to Distribution to the Breweries

... FROM time to time we have published illustrated articles on hop-growing in various parts of the country, and also the drying process in the kilns or oast-houses which reduces the 75 per cent, moisture content of the crop in its green state to a mere 10 per cent. Thus practically everyone is familiar with the story up to this point, but few appreciate the important intermediate stages between ...

... Sunday at Chichester Cathedral

... bugh Sunday at Chichester Cathedral ''/t >lougb monaap next, after twelfth tide 1$ passed, Bids out with plough, the worst husband is last Hampton's Calendar of the Middle Ages I F j S( ano iDe Catl |s! you blcs Us and uwr H or ,me beainnina of r pear, we brina jouab to pour Jal [Church, tbat map aiue pour ig to it and to us, all tbc work and rs on tbe farms sex. t Sussex Ploughman L WITH ...

Something to Add to the Solitary Orange

... MANY parents, disheartened by the I shoddiness and high price of the I few toys on sale this Christmas, will remember with gratitude the Nursery Schools Association, of I, Park Crescent, London, W.i. Here are some of the toys designed and made by the Association. They are not 'for sale, for the whole idea behind this branch of the Nursery School Organisation is to design toys which can be made ...

Southdowns at Chichester: Good Quality Entries at the Annual Show and Sale

... Soutlidowns at Chichester Good Quality Entries at the Annual Show and Sale THE annual Show and sale of registered Southdown sheep at Chichester on August 16, attracted a good entry of about 300 Shearling rams and ram lambs and 1500 ewes and ewe lambs. A fair number of the lots were entered for show in six classes and for three challenge cups, the latter presented by Lady Fitzgerald for the two ...

Commemorating the '45 Rebellion

... IN our issue of July 20 we pub lished pictures of Prince Charlie's country where 200 years ago he raised his standard and de clared war against I George the Second, Elector of Hanover. Here are pictures of the celebrations which have just been held to commemorate the Rising of 1745, I and at which High- I landers gathered again in force by the bright sunlit waters of Loch Shiel. WHERE 200 ...