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... WILLIAM GRIGOR SON WILLIAM GRIGOR SON r^) )I VIGOR Traditional quality OLD SCOTCH WHISKY in original OLD FASHIONED FLASK Unsurpassed in quality although restricted in distribution by scarcity of old stocks. INVERNESS ...


... £oJ& AUTUMN CATALOGUE (Published in August) VEGETABLE SEEDS, BULBS, FRUIT TREES, ETC. Send requeit now fdr AUlTjMN CATALOGUE and to comply with Paper Control Order, pleau enclose Id. stamp. CARTERS TESTED SEEDS. Ltd. RAYNES PARK, LONDON, S.W.20 ...


... AUSTIN HEED AUSTIN It EE II They do the whole outfit at AUSTIN HEED'S Service Jacket, Belt and Uniform Boots -£3. 5. 3 Trousers trom £12 5. 0 Shirts, 2 t.ollars to match Greatcoat £11 13 0 15 6 to £1 10 0 Fleece-lined Trench Collar attached Coats £8 10 0 15 6 to £1 5 6 Peaked Dress Cap Ties from 3 6 (Badge extra) from £1 11 10 Socks- 2.11 Side Cap -£1.6.8 Gloves 10. 5 Uniform Shoes £2 1 0 ...


... W hatever would that be? Many of our friends, from time to time, have shown signs of wondering what's going, on at the Austin works. Some even ask us outright why we are so silent about the part Austin engineers are playing in wartime. To those we reply we are silent because we have to be. Our work, like most of the really important things afoot to-day, must remain on the Secret List till the ...


... BLACK WH ITE BLACK WHITE! Bv Appointment A KINDLY CHARACTER The matured Scotch Whiskies used in blending Black White are responsible for its delicate flavour and kindly character. (Jtstkg Scotch' ...


... OldAngus 0/ /I l\GUS Here's to i an old friend The man with a glass of Old Angus in his hand is a man who knows a good whisky; who appreciates >ur; who is on the best of terms with men; in short, a happy man. 1 YOitfi SCOTCH GENTLE AS A LAMB ...


... All h\ Il\ I /All Sfiy L\ A 1 B 2. OOth OOQ9 OOO gallons target ill I 1 1 I W'i T/ il 1 >1 -i g- VJ ul'Jlkl-y HVJ A N H L#S gallons is the target cows an hour with a certainty of safe, clean BRITISH to be set by the Ministry of Agriculture to the milk production. It is entirely untouched by Constant use of the Alfa farmers, therefore time is going to play an hand and each cow's ...

Here comes To-morrow

... They're only children now. But they're To-morrow all our To-morrows. They're the future. They're the ideas and the ideals we're fighting for. Upon our efforts to-day depend all our To-morrows With many of us earning more money to-day than ever before, we have a golden chance of staking a claim in the future. By saving and lending to-day we are making our money serve a double purpose Now it ...

Early Bite

... Every acre of provides a fortnight's earlier grazing for two or three milking cows. It saves you a fortnight's indoor feeding and labour. With feeding-stuffs scarce, and likely to be ccarcer still, it is more than ever necessary to get your stock out to grass at the earliest moment. I Choose young leys or fields A Shut up the fields in that are in good heart and February or early March are ...

KEENES Perox-Chlor

... C Perbx-Chlor Per ox- Chlor T y\ Sailor, KEENE'S LABORATORIES LIMITED. 287. GRAY'S INN ROAD. LONDON. W.C.I KHITTtR j H i' I ri. f OARDIHER CLEP&VMAN FISH 1 A A SWEEP POSTMAfl MINER TRAYLLLCA LAWytR SfeepYoisr Nails Clean, and Hands Well Groomed! v, Perox Chlor is the Magic Nail Cleaner and Hand Bcautifier. It takes out the dirt, makes the tips Ivory White and leaves the hands SOFT WHITE AND ...