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London, England


London, London, England

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First- Niglit Atmosphere Again

... Dear Brutus (Globe) THERE was more of the atmosphere of the normal first night about the launching of the revival of Dear Brutus (although, of course, it took place in the afternoon) than about any other theatrical occasion since last summer. The stalls were crowded with stage and other celebrities those of them old enough to remem ber the original production of the play in 1917, with ...


... 5USSEX HERD BOOK SOCIETY No Cattle are HARDIER sussex cow or more THRIFTY than the Farmer Stockbreeder Photograph SUSSEX Sussex Cattle by E. Walford Lloyd (10/6) tells you all about them BROADWAY EAST, DENHAM, near UXBRIDGE, MIDDLESEX ...


... By A. CROXTON-SMITH STALIN, whose picture appears on this page to-day, is claimed to be the only white Alsatian in Australia, and so in a way has a distinction that does not belong to the common run. He is owned by Mr. J. McCarthy, of Glebe in New South Wales, and is one of a Utter sired by a black-and-tan guard dog at an aerodrome. This colour, or rather absence of colour, would excite no ...

Putting on the Spots

... By A. Croxton Smith WHEN Longfellow wrote that Things are not what they seem he was not thinking of dogs and horses and other animals that sometimes undergo singular metamorphoses at such times as they may be for sale or exhibition. His little moral commonplace may well be taken to heart by unknowledgeable folk who are undertaking transactions with people whose character is un known to them. ...

How the Kirghiz Hunt the Eagle

... UP IN THE REMOTE ALA-TAU MOUNTAINS at altitudes of 3000-3500 metres the Kirghiz hunter finds his quarry. The party, generally three or four people, first study the rocky crevices of the mountain through their binoculars, searching for an eagle's nest. Having located one, the most agile of the party is lowered to it by a strong rope there he sets a trap with a weak spring so as not to injure ...

Lincolnshire Red Shorthorns

... ON this and following pages are pictures of the three all-red breeds of British cattle notable for their hardiness in cold districts and their ability to stand up to sub-tropical conditions. The Lincolnshire Red Shorthorn cattle shown here are all of a uniform deep cherry-red, and they are distinguished from the modern Coates Herd Book Shorthorns by a greater length of frame and their ...

Successful Re-Seeding in Yorkshire

... J FOR generations the earth's green mantle was taken for granted by farmers-- the gift of a beneficent Nature and a humid climate which was provided for the exclusive use of livestock. It is true that the best farmers paid considerable attention to maintaining their grassland in first-class con dition, and periodical dressings of basic slag-- or other phosphates-- together with lime, and ...

Cambridge Beat Oxford this Time

... Cambridge Beat Oxtord this Time THE return 'Varsity Rugby match was played at Oxford last Sat' day and this time Cambridge won by one point, a goal and three tr 3 to two goals and a try. The first half was almost all Oxford, but in the sc ond Cambridge played up grandly and E. R. Knapp, the left wing, was ove the Oxford line four times, C. L. Newton-Thompson, the Cambridge cai ain, adding goal ...

St. Paul's Boys in their Easthampstead Park Home

... IN common with other schools within the danger area in London, St. Paul's has been evacuated to the country, and their Hammersmith buildings were commandeered by the authorities. The school is now housed in the Marquess of Downshire's mansion at Easthampstead Park. This house is situated between Crowthorne and Wokingham, and most of the 600 boys in the school are accom modated in Crowthorne, ...

Small-Bore Rifle Shooting

... jj^B! TV/TINIATURE rifle shooting is a -tV-L fascinating sport, and in these troubled times more popular than ever, for a good many men (and women) feel that it is as well to be able to handle a rifle. It is miniature only in bullet and range, for the rifles are full- size weapons fitted with a heavy barrel to take the -22 bullet the ordinary Service rifle bullet is eight times larger than the ...

A Farm Walk at Cobham, Surrey: A Demonstration by the Surrey W.A.A.C

... A Farm Walk at Cobham, Surrey A Demonstration by the Surrey W.A.A.C. THE Surrey W.A.A.C., for the second year in succession, arranged a demonstration at Cob- ham which took the form of a walk over Larken- shaw Farm, owned and farmed by Mr. W. A. Thompson. The main items of interest were the herds of Guernsey and of Ayrshire cattle, a farm silage plant, the use of heavy implements for break ing ...