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Round the New Shows: The Bare Idea (Comedy, 6.45 and 9.15)

... The Bare Idea (Comedy, 6.45 and 9.15) AS my taxi sped through the inky blackness of a bitterly cold night last week to the Comedy Theatre to see a play about nudism I prayed, for the sake of the cast, that the theatre would be adequately heated. I need not have worried. The heating of the place was quite satisfactory--and that was almost the only thing about the evening which was ...

Praise the Small Farmer: A Small Family Builds Up a British Friesian Herd

... Praise the Small Farmer A Small Family Builds Up a British Friesian Herd MUCH of the limelight of farming publicity goes to the big farms, with model buildings, the most up-to-date machinery, or famous herds of cattle. But half of the land under cultivation in the British Isles is farmed by men with less than a hundred acres. Theirs is the unending daily routine of growing crops and attending ...

Hearts of Oak

... A CENTURY and a half ago the woods of England were stripped of their oaks, cut to build ships to beat off the threatened Napoleonic invasion. But Englishmen knew that there would be other wars, and here and there acorns were planted and the young trees guarded till they could fend for themselves. To-day many of these oaks are being felled, and this is the story of one of them and of an East ...

... ... Farm: I Grow Been Again Comes True

... Watf rcress Farm I Gro^v een Again Comes True IN July 1939 Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell went to live a 01: Alresford House, Alresford, Hampshire, given b tin nation to Lord Rodney some 160 years ago. It is a It \'eh country of water meadows and trout streams, for her the River Aire begginnith of a great numbre o' fa: Sylver Springes which resorting to a botom make a rea brode lak communely caullid ...

On Putting for a Living

... IT was in 1936, about mid-way through our busy professional golfing programme, that I decided I would give up trying to putt with one particular system and just hit the ball towards the hole and leave it at that. Ever since I began to try to score for a living, it was very clear to me that getting the ball into the hole was the part of the game that counted most, although it was equally clear ...

'Twixt Axe and Exe

... By Ashley Courtenay JUST as soon as new life surges in the hedgerows, I find my thoughts turning to those corners of our island which have always been blessed by such natural protection that March winds are tempered in their onslaught. If my mind turns once more to that corner which lies 'twixt Axe and Exe it is because I have memories undiminished by age of a land of fat primroses, furze-clad ...

Wartime Casualty: A Big Pig Farm Sells Up

... Wartime Casualty A Big Pig Farm Sells Up Though the dairy and the mixed farm are holding their own in these difficult times, the war casualty list of intensive pig and poultry producers grows bigger daily. A fortnight ago we showed how a Kent poultry farmer, one of many hundreds, had to sell up owing to feeding difficulties this week we take for our example a big pig farm which came under the ...

Mr. Hosier Becomes Impatient

... V; IF the tenacity and conservatism of the country man is one of his chief virtues it is also true of him that he adapts himself to changing conditions when he is shown how. Here and there, and especially in the more backward counties, one comes across old men, dazed and bloodshot of eye, mumbling of speech and clumsy of hand. A world of wonders has passed them by. Dull and uncomprehending, ...

The Wily Wood-pigeon

... NO bird or animal that preys on crops arid hinders vital food production can be left unmolested in these days. Wood- pigeons are the worst offenders among feathered pests. They are a menace all the year round, and will devour almost any kind of crop. Pigeons are voracious feeders, needing two big meals every day, and double this number when they are feeding their young. Pigeons shot at night, ...

Top Dogs in America

... Top Dogs in jmeriea Shoos for Hon: Sporting: and Kon-Sp ami ingr Breeds The judging ring at the New York Hound Show held in aid of the Hunt Servants' Benefit Foun dation at the Riding and Polo Club of New York. New York Hound Show Warrior, from Mr. W. Plunket Stewart's Cheshire Foxhounds, was best of the stallions and champion ship winner in the English and Cross-breeds sec tion. Mr. Stewart, ...

Henry Cotton on Golf: Johnny Bulla Giant-Killing with a Shilling Ball

... Johnny Bulla Giant-Killing with a Shilling Ball WRITING from his farm in Connecticut only a few weeks ago, Gene Sarazen says: Golf over here seems to be at a peculiar stage; every year some new player comes along and wins several tourna ments on the winter circuit; the newspaper men all get busy and decide amongst them- selves which of the winter's sensations will win the Open and the P.G.A., ...

British and Allied Armies Soccer

... DISTINGUISHED SPECTATORS Famous statesmen and soldiers from most of the conquered countries were at Stamford Bridge on Saturday, when a crowd of 11,000 saw a British Army soccer XI beat an Allied Armies side by 8 goals to 2. Third from left in this picture is Prince Bernard talking with Captain Margesson, the War Minister. TIIE TEAMS Stan Cullis, the Wolves centre-half, now a sergt. ...