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November 1939
28 17


Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News




London, England


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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

Field Trials for Women

... By A. Croxton Smith IN the United States they have a Women's Field Trial Club, of which Mrs. Morgan Belmont is president, and last month it held a meeting at Huntington, Long Island. In this country women are so success ful with their gundogs that they, too, would be capable of running trials of the highest class, but they prefer to compete against men on terms of equality. Lorna Lady Howe has ...

Sporting and Dramatic

... Tr rriWiMTTTfiilP'^ iBBHBiTTWwTii i*TTMrY nm^r v AN A. -A. Battery, somewhere in Kent, could make a great show in Sport and Drama as well as in gunnery if it had the chance. Heather Thatcher, at the moment without her monocle, has sacrificed her highly successful stage and film career to run the Battery's canteen. On her right is Captain the Hon. Anthony Mildmay, the amateur steeplechase ...


... (OLE Archie Compston is putting, he same distance from the hole good its to miss. Both sides got their fours here. A HIGH ONE George Oke plays a pitch shot over the bunker guarding the 12th green. The ball looks as though it will sail over the trees. Actually it was very high, but did not overrun the green. Oke and Cotton lost this one 5 to 4. OTH GREEN: Cotton has taken no chances ie green ...


... My thoughls grow in the aroma of that particular tobacco. (Earl Baldwin, Dundee, 1925) Few tobaccos could inspire such praise in a public speech, yet all the cool sweetnessand nleasureof this slow burning tobacco may fill your pipe at a cost of only l/4jd. per oz. in Britain. Sold only sealed, in packets and tins. A. GALE Co. Ltd., GLASGOW THE LITTLE LONG PAPER once again This popular name ...


... Harry Hai 1. Harry Hai 1. Higheic awardi. 12 Gold Medali Etc. over 45 years. Governing Director .Harry Hall) THE Recognised House for OFFICERS' Service Dress NAVAL, R.A.F. MILITARY MADE-TO-MEASURE From Actual Photo. ONLY MAKERS of the HALLZONE IDEAL GOLD MEDAL RIDING BREECHES from 42/- at shortest notice I Correct in every detail. Officially appointed TAILORS TO THE R.A.F. MILITARY I Finest r ...


... a&r*9 av4 ■mm t-.-WMm i-- i 4>OOI) TASTE marks her choice in most things. With cigarettes her pre ference is 'cork-tipped', but for good taste she knows they must always be PLAYER'S CORK-TIPPED MEDIUM OR MILD 10 for 7d 20 for 1/1JD 1_ J N.C.C. 4S61> ...

Opening Meets of Four Packs: A Sporting Gesture by Bicester Farmers

... Opening Meets of Four Packs A Sporting Gesture by Bicester Farmers THE BICESTER The opening meet for the northern area was at Edgcote Park, where the Mixed Pack is now kennelled through the kindness of Mr. Raymond Courage, the bitches remaining at Stratton Audley. Colonel Buxton and Mrs. Field-Marsham are carrying on as Joint- Masters of the two reduced packs, with Clarence Johnson, who has ...

Oxford Freshmen's Cross country

... LAST season's Master of the Eton College Beagles, M. de Chair, won the Oxford University Freshmen's cross country race last week under bad conditions and from a small entry. The race was over the usual 7 J miles course, and de Chair finished a long way ahead of the second man, D. H. Cox. THE START of the Oxford Freshmen's 7$ miles cross-country race held last week under bad conditions. The ...

The Chiddingfold

... THE attendance was small, but representative of the wartime meets, when the Chiddingfold met at Scotsland Farm, near Godalming, Surrey. But for poor visibility, the weather was good as hounds moved off to Cowgate Oaks, where foxes were numerous, almost too plentiful for good sport. Hounds soon found here, but the fox went to earth immediately in the extreme edge of the covert this caused ...


... Practical Policies TWO hats are bettor than one for a winter in the country. On the far left is a sports classic, from Woodrow, Piccadilly, tailored with a Horaburg line that can easily be adapted if the sharp crease is too severe. It costs ,25s., in six colours, but any shade can be specially dyed for half a crown extra. Any mount can be added to pick up the colour of your coat. Turbans suit ...