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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News



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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

Round the New Shows: At the Theatre

... Round the New Shows At the Theatre Boys in Brown (Gate) IN spite of its title, this play has nothing to do with Nazis. It concerns criminals of a far milder brand-- the boys of the Borstal breed. The author is Mr. Reginald Beckwith, who has been making a name for himself as a revue comedian and a character actor. Many people will recall his truly comic strip-tease act in a revue at the ...

The Good Earth

... THE BOTS OF T.O JfB RIDGE SCHOOL are giving valuable help to a nearby farmer by spending their leisure hours in land work. Here they are clearing a wheat field of weeds. THEIR DOUBLE SERVICE These Wrens devote their off-duty time to gardening [and are all set to j raise a fine crop of that standby of all house wives, the cabbage. .1 HEW IDEA for the rose bed is to plant a border of cabbage ...

Sport Plays Its Part

... SAILORS-TO-BE LEARN TO SWIM Many men who choose the Royal Navy for their service cannot swim, so Airs. Hilda Anderson of Liverpool has started a class for those who have registered and have not yet been called up. THE GENTLE SPORT of archery provides a pleasant and not too strenuous diversion for B.E.F. casualties who are convalescing at a north-country resort. ...

Best of New and Old

... By Ashley Courtenay FROM time to time I have criti cised the old Dickensian type of inn. With a few notable exceptions, such as the Angel at Bury St. Edmunds and the Plough at Cheltenham, they have relied on ye olde atmosphere to draw their clientele. Pickwick rooms, faked courtyards, pewter and brass have been their stock in trade, and modern comforts have only been installed grudgingly. ...

Bedford Riding Brceches & Co

... RIDE AND KEEP FIT THE BEST WARTIME SERVICE IS TO KEEP IN GOOD HEALTH. RIDING ISTHE FINEST EXERCISE FOR FITNESS. ALL RIDING REQUISITES good value and low charges To Measure Jodhpurs 28'- to 65'- Breeches 25/-to60/- Jackets 35/-to84/- Ready for Wear Jodhpurs 35'- 45/- Breeches 30'- 40/- Jackets W-W-AV-&.W- Riding Waterproofs 47/6 60'- Complete outfits for Ladies, Gents and Children Goods sent on ...

Up and Down the Land

... FARMERS must shortly decide which of the many available cereal varieties they ought to sow. There is a wide choice of good winter wheats. Among those which ripen fairly early are Juliana, Victor, Wilhelmina, Wilma, Holdfast and Warden (all with white grain); and the Yeo- mans, Little Joss, Squarehead's Master, or Stand ard Red (all with red grain). Other heavy yielding but later ripening ...

For Screens and Hedges

... 8/ Our Horticultural Correspondent MOST people who take a keen interest in their garden are at some time or other concerned with the problem of providing a suitable boundary for it. For the sake of ap pearance alone a well-enclosed garden is more satisfying than one with an open boundary which may at any time be marred by an unsightly feature on an adjoining property. As the planting season is ...

Turkeys on the Tennis Lawn

... By H. P. Bayon, M.D., Ph.D., St. Catharine's College, Cambridge ANYONE mentioning turkeys to a farmer will be told that they are by far the most difficult class of poultry to rear and require the closest skilled attention. Like so many other popular opinions about agri cultural matters, this is partly true, but subject to exaggeration because it is based on unreli able data. As a matter of ...

Queer Angles on Angling

... Wfe have received from the Japanese Government Railways an interesting little book on angling in Japan, written principally for the tourist, but as our readers are unlikely to be making fishing trips to that country, we have passed over much of the useful information in the book and have reproduced pictures which illustrate one Or two of the novel methods adopted by Japanese anglers. In ...

It's a Date

... THEY haven't yet married off Deanna Durbin or even let her fall seriously in love, but obviously that calamity isn't far off, for Deanna was seventeen last December, and they can no longer keep her out of long evening gowns. In the new film at the Leicester Square Theatre, Deanna falls a little for Walter Pidgeon, who loves her mother (Kay Francis), but is pretty easily consoled with a nice ...

Economy Holidays

... By Ashley Courtenay THOUGH holidays are at a premium in these times, everyone who can manage it tries to snatch a few days' rest, for not to do so is false economy. But economy being uppermost in the minds of many people, I get a quan tity of enquiries from wage-earners asking for advice about guest houses, which are often less expensive than the larger types of hotel. Now that many parts of ...

Off-Duty Shooting

... Off- Duty Shooting J OFFICERS STATIONED AT A YORKSHIRE CAMP find it quite like old times to exchange their uniforms for com fortable tweeds and take their sporting guns out on the moors for a few hours when I off duty. A number of them have formed a syndicate at f r} a gun and are finding good P sport on neighbouring moors. WITH A 1 2-BORE AT THE SLOPE. Pointing out the line of butts to the ...