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Fraserburgh Herald and Northern Counties' Advertiser

Keep oil Digging Appeal to Fraserburgh PiOCholders “Dig for Victory” was a slogan during 'the war that was ..

... Keep oil Digging Appeal to Fraserburgh PiOCholders “Dig for Victory” was a slogan during 'the war that was eagerly and actively responded to by plotholders. The Victory !has been won, but the need for food still exists in as markedly a degree. To bring ...


... ALL CORDIALLY INVITED GUILD MONTHILY MEETING in St. Andrew’s Hall, THURSDAY, llh March, at 2-45 p.m. prompt. “DIG FOR VICTORY” Talk by Mr Greenhouse, of the Ministry of Agriculture . ALL WOMEN WELCOME. Please bring cup and sugar. S. WILSON, Hon. Secretary ...

Why he Waited

... afoM we close doon tor the wartL minister wis list shoot feenisiMxi his roond, ah’ at last bale got a bunker. In his dig for victory ha got a pudda sand intaa his eon. This troubled him in tha Club Hoooe fin ordered wee soda. Pin tasiad it turned tae ...


... ANCIENT AKBO ENGINE While airmen were ploughing up waste land adjoining an RAJ*, flying training school to help the “Dig for Victory” campaign they unearthed an 110 horse power Le Rhone engine. This relic from the last war was found three feet below the ...

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... I had quite a supply vegetables, kindly donated, one at a time, oy my plot-holding friends! Acting on the advice to dig for victory, I started a campaign, but I must have struck a bad patch as turned up so many dead cats and old bones that the salvage ...

By “ Scribbler.”

... heightened to. make the harbour deeper, and once having done this, they then sowed grass seed upon It, and now intend to dig for victory during the next fine spell weather! As I stood tn amazement at this reference to our North Pier. I could hear the distant ...


... and Nancy Dunbar. Adult Characters Crinoline lady. Jessie Summers; Victorian lady. Lizzie Ritchie; Wings for Victory, Stella Clark; Dig for Victory. Mrs Stephen; Darby and Joan. Mrs Craighead, Mrs Bruce: and Rob Roy. Robin Hood, George Willox; Johnnie Walker ...


... n was made to have the Annexe shall save quite a lot of fuel, the cry l brou « b * ck tato “onnal use. The people to dig for victory. Probably the author of- ichools had re-assembled in August. When this bright gem was unaware that eating last it was ...

SPENT 30 YEARS IN THE EAST STILL ACTIVE AT 75—THANKS TO KKCSCHEN New Gtinea was never a healthy resort, even

... far from a desirable •insurance risk. To-day, in my seven' .-, fifth year, I am quite fit, and able to my share in ‘Digging for Victory.’ thanks to the little daily dose of Kruschen. taken at awakening, in hot tea. 365 days a year sees this little ceremony ...


... amusement too if all is true I hear. Someone was telling me that one couple was asked whether they playing golf or digging for victory. The match between Mr J. Carle and Miss G. Wood versus Mr T. W. Burnett and MiSs D. Sutherland had rather an amusing ...

Bugle Notes The aged crofter laid aside his newspaper, removed his specs said to his wife, knitting eidently ..

... harmoniously. What I mean by harmoniously is, not to do harm to anybody. o o o Kynoch fought for victory as a Gordon in the last war. Kow he was digging for victory in this war; A Mend passing along the turnpike him —That’s auT reglmint gaitherin’ for anlther ...