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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News



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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

The Wellington Tradition

... The Wellington T radition WELLINGTON COLLEGE was founded by public subscription in memory of the Iron Duke for the education of the sons of deceased officers who held commissions in the British Army or the Army of the Honourable East India Com pany. There are 90 of these boys on the Foundation and 100 who are sons of living officers of his Majesty's Army. The rest are Non Founda tioners, but ...

£2,200 from Red Cross Match

... IT seems almost impolite to write in appreciation of my three most recent Red Cross matches all in one article, for their efforts deserve at least a whole story each. This is not possible and I hope that the organisers and supporters will understand that it is not in proportion to the number of words I write on their particular effort that I value what has been done. The first of these three ...

Another Grand Game at Lord's

... THE wisdom of the M.C.C. in staging another attractive fixture at Lord's was on Saturday fully justified by the presence of a large and appreciative crowd which included many serving men glad of the relaxation which the game between the Lord's and Middlesex XI's provided. It was an exciting affair, with the result in doubt up to the last ball. But for missed catches the Lord's XI must have won ...

Baer-Galento Boxing Travesty

... SO-CALLED heavyweight championship boxing continues in America on the same monotonously farcical plane. The latest piece of nonsense was the fight between Tony Galento, self-styled No. i Heavyweight Challenger, and Max Baer, who won on a technical knock-out after the seventh round. An American onlooker comments The good Marquess' of Queensberry is probably tossing in his eternal sleep after ...

Rugby and Repton in a Rousing Finish

... A MORE exhilarating game than that between Repton and Rugby, at Repton, could not be wished for. Heavy showers having curtailed the play, Repton declared at 91 for nine and left Rugby 50 minutes in which to get the runs a sporting decision, in view of Rugby's batting feats this season. Rugby's opening pair, L. G. H. Hingley and M. R. Holman, put on 50 in 25 minutes, but both left at that total ...


... FOR THE COOLER f WEATHER FURS AND SUITS ARE PRACTICAL NOW that our clothes are to last so much longer, a fur coat is a sound investment. If you choose a hard-wearing fur it will not moult or rub thin, and it will be a stand-by and protection for years. It is important, however, to buy soon, for fur prices are rising rapidly and many skins will not be coming into this country again until after ...


... ALIPPIZAN stallion and a Russian ballerina are the outstanding features of this film about the fall of the Hapsburg dynasty, which had its London premiere last week, and will be generally released next Monday. The Lippizan is one of four that the Austrian Government presented to opera-star Maria Jeritza, wife of Winfield Sheehan, the producer the dancer is exquisite Irina Baronova, lately of ...


... -amatic news ersatz 1 fiplCJL ts genuine safety guiss hnday' JULY iy' iy4a yj/7 I The Illustrated [I j _r\_ _j K JL J: 1; P JR I N^9 ft B1 V ft ft i ft w V jp v f V I J v J /^^W^kn;^^RAWIATiC .*W 1 ...


... Guinness is good for you Guinness at Waterloo When I was sufficiently recovered to take some nourishment I felt the most extraordinary desire for a glass of Guinness. Upon expressing my wish to the doctor, he told me I might take a small glass I thought I had never tasted anything so delightful I am con fident that it contributed more than anything else to the renewal of my strength. From the ...

Mill Hill on the Cumberland Moors

... IN the surroundings of its war-time home at St. Bees, Cumberland, the Mill Hill School's O.T.C. is find ing opportunities for tactical exercises which were out of the question in Greater London. The seashore with a good beach, the moorlands and the mountains provide field experience of immense value. On the moors the problem of taking cover from enemy troops and aircraft assumes more difficult ...

British Dogs and Others

... By A. Croxton Smith SOME correspondents, indulging in the pleasures of anticipation, are urging that when the war is over and things get back to normal, we shall confine ourselves to British dogs only and ignore those of foreign extraction. This sounds very much like an effort to plough the sands, for it will take a lot of propaganda to persuade people not to import foreign breeds that happen ...