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July 1940
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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News



London, London, England

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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

Another Grand Game at Lord's

... THE wisdom of the M.C.C. in staging another attractive fixture at Lord's was on Saturday fully justified by the presence of a large and appreciative crowd which included many serving men glad of the relaxation which the game between the Lord's and Middlesex XI's provided. It was an exciting affair, with the result in doubt up to the last ball. But for missed catches the Lord's XI must have won ...

Baer-Galento Boxing Travesty

... SO-CALLED heavyweight championship boxing continues in America on the same monotonously farcical plane. The latest piece of nonsense was the fight between Tony Galento, self-styled No. i Heavyweight Challenger, and Max Baer, who won on a technical knock-out after the seventh round. An American onlooker comments The good Marquess' of Queensberry is probably tossing in his eternal sleep after ...

Rugby and Repton in a Rousing Finish

... A MORE exhilarating game than that between Repton and Rugby, at Repton, could not be wished for. Heavy showers having curtailed the play, Repton declared at 91 for nine and left Rugby 50 minutes in which to get the runs a sporting decision, in view of Rugby's batting feats this season. Rugby's opening pair, L. G. H. Hingley and M. R. Holman, put on 50 in 25 minutes, but both left at that total ...


... FOR THE COOLER f WEATHER FURS AND SUITS ARE PRACTICAL NOW that our clothes are to last so much longer, a fur coat is a sound investment. If you choose a hard-wearing fur it will not moult or rub thin, and it will be a stand-by and protection for years. It is important, however, to buy soon, for fur prices are rising rapidly and many skins will not be coming into this country again until after ...


... ALIPPIZAN stallion and a Russian ballerina are the outstanding features of this film about the fall of the Hapsburg dynasty, which had its London premiere last week, and will be generally released next Monday. The Lippizan is one of four that the Austrian Government presented to opera-star Maria Jeritza, wife of Winfield Sheehan, the producer the dancer is exquisite Irina Baronova, lately of ...

Mill Hill on the Cumberland Moors

... IN the surroundings of its war-time home at St. Bees, Cumberland, the Mill Hill School's O.T.C. is find ing opportunities for tactical exercises which were out of the question in Greater London. The seashore with a good beach, the moorlands and the mountains provide field experience of immense value. On the moors the problem of taking cover from enemy troops and aircraft assumes more difficult ...


... HE MnunTpRAAMTl?irSPNERwsNG Mfdkss tcM.- TripleX is genuine fih and dramatic news Mr J Frjday^ JULY 26 1940 Vj/7 the Illustrated 4^ ri- fc a-fc A fyjfav M. v Vt- .'r:T'*'wwlpy*-- ---■ri imbm mm' 11 1 mm ja 'MryBBrm. m f n7 Tfji^Bli II Jhifltfl '^ikSuSs. '3^3 W MM jfogjaki&- p >,i°ji.i' Xm*M -I** i :jv. oSSr *1 v. TWr^'iS-l ii e .V;T/ rir*iy>T'.''' :-'t, Wimbledon car park to produce crops ...

Look to the Lakes

... By Ashley Courtenay THE Lake District is shy of dis playing its charms and delights, but how entirely it repays those who are willing to seek them out! Lakeland delights are a far cry for Londoners and Southerners ad mittedly, but to those who live in Lancashire, Yorkshire, Sunderland, Durham not so inaccessible, and no matter how far you travel, Lakeland is always worth it. Finding your way ...

In the Garden Next Week: Kitchen Garden

... In the Garden Next Week Kitchen Garden Main crop potatoes should be sprayed with Burgundy mixture (obtainable from any seeds man) to guard against disease. This is especially important if the weather continues dull and rainy. If not already done, final plantings of winter greens late kales, broccoli, savoys, etc. also leeks, should be pushed forward. Leeks are an excellent standby in a very ...

War Charity Lawn Tennis

... THE HOLDERS of the British hard court and National covered court doubles championships, P/0. J. S. Olliff and H. Billington, took an easy first set against P/0. Dan Maskell and E. Burke in the Amateurs v. Professionals match. The Pro.'s improved for the second set and equalised. MME. MATHIEU, the French star, had had news that her husband and family were safe. She travelled from South Wales to ...

Air Minister and Farmer

... SIR ARCHIBALD SINCLAIR, the Minister for Air, is a keen farmer and valuable stock is reared on part of his 100,000-acre estate at Thurso Castle, Caithness, in the north of Scotland. Sir Archibald entered politics after the last war after serving in the 2nd Life Guards, and he has represented Caithness and Sutherland in the House of Commons since 1922. His appointment as Air Minister met with ...