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The Might of the Royal Air Force

... By Our Flying Correspondent IN peace time the presentation to Parliament of the annual Air Estimates was made the occasion of a full statement of the strength of the Service and for scrutiny and criticism of any or every branch of Royal Air Force work. Last week the conditions were very different. Sir Archibald Sinclair could only give a general picture of what had been and was being achieved. ...

Spare a Copper

... At one time George Formby, the darling of the provinces wasn't the West End's meat at all. But his last film, Let George Do It, j t changed all that and even won over America. As an ambitious war reserve policeman, toothy George clowns and strums his way through ''' the latest film at the New Gallery, backed up by an able cast, including (shown above) the Three Ginx. His well-intentioned ...

One of the Boys in the Back Room: His Farm in Bucks

... One of the Boys in the Back Room His Farm in Bucks HOW the hunting man can often be the friend and not the enemy of the farmers is shown by the example of Colonel W. C. Devereux, Joint-Master of the Old Berkeley Foxhounds and one of Lord Beaverbrook's boys in the back room. When Colonel Devereux took office with the O.B.H. and needed a place in that country, he bought Round Hill Farm, Kimble ...

U. S. Citizens Send Arms To Britain

... U.S. Citizens Send Arms To Britain WHILE their Government gets on with the job of producing V V tanks and aeroplanes,' private citizens in the United States have been rummaging in attics and trunks and dis covering tin hats, binoculars and small arms of all kinds which they are happy to send to Britain, though manv of these things are treasured souvenirs of the last war. The collection and ...

Replacing Timber: Work of Extreme National Importance

... Replacing Timber Work of Extreme National Importance A VISIT to one of the Forestry Commission's Nurseries in the New Forest is some indication and proof of the fine work that is being done throughout the land in replacing timber. All over the country, trees are being felled to provide the very necessary timber, and a drive is being made to ensure that this loss of trees shall be only ...

RAPIER ON RACING:: Breeding of the Classical Colts-- Is it to be a Good Year after all?

... RAPIER ON RACING ISreetling of fhe Classical Colts Is it to foe a Good Year after all.' I HAVE more than once expressed the view that the classical colts of the present season may well be up to standard. With- out knowing the result of, or the runners in, the Guineas, I still feel justified in having championed the three-year-olds, on the score of their breeding as well as on what other ...

Next Week's Work in the Garden: Vegetables

... Next Week's Work in the Garden Vegetables Readers whose gardens are near the coast are reminded that seaweed is quite useful as a fertiliser. Although it does not possess all the constituents of a first-class manure, it contains half as much phosphoric acid as stable manure and twice as much potash. Its nitrogen content is about 10 lb. per ton, and it also contains valuable mineral salts. Its ...

Tithe Barn

... TITHE barns came into existence in 1200, when tithes were ordered to be paid to the local parish. As the due was one-tenth of the farmers' produce, plenty of storage room was needed. In the hundred years since the change in the tithe system in 1836, many of these barns, all of them superb examples of old English craftsmanship, have either fallen into ruin or been destroyed. But in recent years ...


... FIVE TO ONE We have been reading an excellent Ministry blurb introducing the Five to One on the Land Series of broadcasts. Here is an extract from it But the nation is now being helped and very materially, by a great army of farmers in miniature the 3,000,000 private gardeners, the 1,500,000 allotment holders, the small pig keepers with 10,000 pigs in whitewashed styes, the backyard poultry- ...


... LARGE AND SMALL SEED. Those forming the larger heap are of good seed size, averaging 2 to 21 oz. each in weight. Those on the right are rather large for seed and for reasons of economy may be cut lengthways, in this manner leaving an equal number of eyes to each half. The cut sets must not be exposed to drying conditions, and gardeners gener ally dust the cut surfaces with slaked lime to seal ...

Mapping the Soil: Soil Analysis at Reading University

... Mapping the Soil by G. W. Robinson University College of North Wales Bangor Director of Soil Surveys for England and Wales It was William the Conqueror who ordered the first I survey of England the Domesday Book which told him exactly the worth of the land he had conquered. This Royal Commission was very thorough, and in a little over a year had assessed to the last penny the J value of every ...


... s i A I T I LI R M D A I Y N T 2 I I N I G A Saturday afternoon meet is a war-time feature of the South Berks and gives many people an opportunity they would otherwise miss. Here are some of the field moving off in the extensive woods at Mortimer West End, I near Beading. Below, the deputy master, Mr. Geoffrey Palmer, is giving Victor Clarke, I the huntsman, inslruc- I Hons toliere to draw I ...