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April 1941
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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News



London, England


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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

End of Term at Mill Hill

... L-^ T.'tT- i--- _ PIRATES OF PENZANCE was the end-of-term play chosen by Mill Hill who, since war began, have made their home at St. Bees, Cumberland. Dress rehearsals by the seashore recall that once New York did Pinafore in a natural setting, ship and all. The Pirate Apprentice Frederic, here with General Stanley* s cousins and aunts, was played by M. E. T. Kempster. FINALE, ACT I., with ...

If You are Short of Farmyard Manure

... By Our Horticultural Correspondent FOOD is just as necessary to sustain plant life as animal life. Only on virgin ground can crops be grown successfully for several years without manure; where they are regularly grown on the same piece of ground the foods they have absorbed must be replaced. The three mam elements of plant food and their respective functions are as follows Phosphates promote ...

Round the New Shows: Revue and a Shaw Film

... Round the New Shows Revue and a Shaw Film Wednesday After the War (New) THE title of this musical production is as mysterious as its official description as a musical comedy. It could, I suppose, be argued that this last is justified by the fact that there is plenty of music, of a sort, in it, and also some comedy, though very little. But British audiences expect a musical comedy to have a ...


... NUMBER S NUMBER S EXTRA QUALITY CIGARETTES 3. R 79 D II, STRAND STREET, SANDWICH. A charming old 15th century building known as The Sandwich Weavers with many historic links with the past. Yet another reminder of accepted traditions of quality is found in Player's No. 3. Their mellow ripeness, distinc- tive flavour and aroma make them the choice of a host of t smokers who demand a cigarette ...

Japanese Dragonfly

... IT is pleasing in these times to find a Japanese engaged upon so peaceful a pursuit as the study of the dragonfly. For the past ten years Mr. Syosiro Asahina has been at work in Tokyo and is the leading authority on the dragonfly, and in particular the Mukashi-Tonbo Ancient dragonfly species, of which he took these pictures. The Mukashi-Tonbo Epiophlebia superstes is said to be a lineal ...

Up and Down the Land

... MR. HUDSON, at York, recently referred to a scheme for the voluntary transfer of some 200 skilled men from the Eastern Counties to Leicester, Northants and Warwick. Skilled tractor ploughmen and thatchers are apparently needed for these districts, whose knowledge of grassland manage ment exceeds that of the plough. The minister appealed for volunteers and he appealed to their employers to ...

National Vegetables Ltd

... DURING recent weeks we have heard a great deal about the Government's purchases of onions and carrots, but there is far more going on behind the scenes than one imagines. Already, a National Vegetable Marketing Com pany has been formed, which will, under expert guidance, handle efficiently the distribution of the vast Quantities of vegetables bought from British farmers. Lord Woolton has ...

Breeding Southdown Sheep for Export: A Visit to Northwood Ford Farm

... Breeding Southdown Sheep for Export A Visit to Northwood Ford Farm ALTHOUGH the Southdown is undoubtedly the oldest of the Down breeds of sheep in the United Kingdom, its early history is more or less wrapped in a veil of mystery, but through this veil appears one undeniable fact-- that upon those chalky hills from which the Southdown takes its name, an active, short-woolled breed of sheep ...

Day-old but Good Travellers

... 'T'HOUGH many people seem to be going in -L for keeping a few chickens in their gardens, the trade in day-old chicks has dropped by at least half since the war began. One firm alone^-Sterling-- used to send out nearly four million day-old chickens each year. Last year they had to cut down production to 2 A millions. This year their hatcheries will supply only about J million. Apart from this ...

The Army Gets to Work

... By A. Croxtcn Smith IT cannot be said that the military authorities have acted with pre cipitation in deciding to go on with the scheme for Army dogs, but at any rate they now propose to do it thoroughly, which is much better than if it had been put through without much thought. From what 1 nave been told 1 gather that the Army now is prepared to make a thorough use of the services of dogs ...


... H F'TH r(ll I ll k 'Jvt (bt^ipiM^o 'Jlactot AND 5eWiee the t(Hm1%/lf tfr'd(Uj, r 1 *ke Spring lays on tke land ker awakening touck and stirs to life tke sleeping seed. Summer skall see tke standing grain ripe for reaping. Tken, in Autumn, skall tke eartk, scarred for certain grain, be laid open to tke cleansing touck of frosty Winter. ^5 Tkus go tke seasons round. In eack, Caterpillar ...

Reclaiming Derelict Farms: War Agricultural Committees Getting to Work

... Reclaiming Derelict Farms War Agricultural Committees Letting to Work ISy IB. C. Long IT is well known that there are in this country considerable areas of waste land, and many farms that have become derelict-- in part, perhaps, owing to the incompetence of the occupiers, and in part to economic causes, such as lack of capital or low prices. These areas are covered with ragwort, bracken or ...