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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News




London, England


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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

The Unknown Torridge

... The Unknown Torridge By Ashley Courtenay THROUGH high-hedged, winding Devon lanes I threaded my way from Dulverton to South Molton, and on to the three Torringtons. There is much unknown Devon about the Torridge Valley, and the centre of operations from the sportsman's standpoint is the Half Moon-- a fisherman's hotel, if ever there was one-- situated in the square of the village of ...

Playbill Looks at the Shows

... Playbill Looks at the Shows Gilbert and Sullivan Again IT is a good many years since Savoy opera has been seen and heard at the Savoy. I little thought that I should ever attend a performance of The Gondoliers and overhear during the interval a conversa tion in which the fact that the theatre is many feet underground was mentioned as an additional reason for supporting Gilbert and Sullivan. ...

Dusseldorf to Rugby

... A FTER Rugby's match with Rep- ton in July last year. L. G. H. Hingley. the Rugby cricket captain, left to join the R.A.F. Last week he returned to Rugby- to play for the M.C.C. against the School on the occasion of the Tom Brown centenary- match. Like many another of our youths Mr. Hingley has seen and done much since he left school. To-day- he is a sergeant air- gunner, and since May- lias ...

The Tractor Girls of East Sussex

... It looks simple enough but the uprooting of trees is a ticklish manoeuvre and needs nice adjustment of chain and rope. The girl at the wheel of the tractor is Elsa Griffin, who before the war was a well-known mannequin in the West End. cup of tea and a smoke make a welcome break in the day's hard work. Many of these girls are from the City, but they have settled down very well on the land ...

Practical and Timely Hints

... The Kitchen Garden THE main sowings of vegetables have now been made, but there's no rest for the grower. Hoeing, weeding and thinning is the order of the day. I make no apology for bringing out the hoe again, for it is impossible to overestimate its value -it is not merely to make the garden look nice and tidy. The last time I em phasised the hoe's importance in conserving moisture. Since ...

Second Sight or Just Nous?

... By A. Croxton Smith ONE subject never seems to tire the amateurs who love to dabble in psychology or toy with the occult. The word ''ama teur'' is not used in a derogatory sense, for I am not going to make fun of anyone who tries to extend our knowledge about men, animals or inanimate objects. I rather fancy, however, that this question of dogs possessing second sight or powers that verge on ...

Smart Girl

... .i t A.^akk. ,va^ l.' W m 111 i I i I i H i||M --I BEFORE the war Silvia Dobson was a writer and a schoolmistress. To-day she is a busy market gardener, one of whose many jobs it is to groom the pony which was bought, complete with trap, for £28. Another purchase was a second-hand plough at £3 15s. When hostilities began Miss Dobson, finding no work available with the Women's Land Army, ...

Up and Down the Land

... cmcf 7^otv??'i A CORRESPONDENCE in the Times, begun early in the month, shows that there is an increasing appreciation of the need for educating school children in agri cultural subjects. One of the chief contribu tions to the series was a plea for educating girls as well as boys in subjects that would fit them for their more mature responsibilities. The farmer's wife or daughter nowadays that ...

Grand Old Men of England

... WHILE the youth of Britain is being rapidly mobilised for the Services and for in dustries of war, the old craftsman is finding himself once more in demand. Many who were about to retire when the war started are determined to stop at their posts now, while others even men in their 8o's and 90's who had already retired are now back in harness again. Someone must do the work, they say, and it ...

Practical and Timely Hints

... ALTHOUGH my notes in the last two issues of The Sporting and Dramatic have dealt with the rather gloomy sub ject of garden pests and diseases, I have by no means told the whole story. Constant vigilance must be kept and action taken to ward off possible trouble in the fruit plantation. The all-important winter spray with tar- oil wash is the best insurance against the majority of fruit-tree ...

Rivals for the New Derby

... SUNNY ISLAND The Duke of Westminster's bay colt by Colombo rtnnn Snl A second strinc. there are those who prefer him to his stable companion. Photographs by Rouch. LAMBERT SIMNEL The Duke of Westminster's bay colt by Fair Trial Simnel. Rouch took this picture just after Lambert Simnel had won the Guineas. ORTHODOX: Mr. J. V. Rank's bay colt by Hyperion-- Queen Christina. The picture was taken ...