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The End of the Road: Those who Live by the Power of Fear shall surely Die by it

... The End of the Road HE was stocky, stout and forceful. Cultivating imper- iousness, he had only achieved colossal arrogance. He gave the impression of craggy rock reinforced with iron bands T hose who Live by the Lower of Lear shall surely D ie by it By Anthony Armstrong --the iron of his own proud and overweening self-assurance. He sat at a large desk in a large room in a large palace that ...

The Resident's Wife: Years may Cloud a Mystery, but Sometimes they make Confession Easy

... The Resident's Wife Years may Cloutl a Mystery* but Sometimes they mahe Confession Easy Bv John Brophy THE worst heat of the day was past and now that the sun had set, dipping swiftly behind the gebel ridges and plunging the wide expanse of the Red Sea into sudden dark ness, life stirred again in the little town, which straggled round the harbour and along the embankments of the river. The ...

The Last Torpedo: In the Strange Hazards of a Naval Encounter. Fate takes a Tragic Hand

... *14*TLast 1 or petit) In the Strange Hazards of a nett I Encounter. Fate takes a Tragic Hand By Gilbert Haekfortli-Jones WHEN he first sighted it the line of bubbles was not more than half a mile distant from him and growing in length towards his own ship. He could see at once that the torpedo was well aimed and, although he instinctively ordered the helm hard-a- port and stopped his engines ...

Big Business: Race, Creed, Class- A. Trio which held no Brief in this Duet of Sacrifice

... Big Business Hfice, Creed, Class-- A. Trie which held aw Brief in this Baet wf Sacrifice THE group captain passed the wine and bestowed an appraising glance on those who sat with him at the head of the table. They included the adjutant (who had been invalided from the Irish Guards), a Welshman, a Scot and an American guest. The con versation, which, as a result of a question asked by the guest ...

Farewell Performance: He Saw in His Last Commission the Irony of Fate--but Fate was not Unkind

... Farewell Performance Sate in His Last Commission the leontj of Fate--bnt Fate teas not Unkind By Edward Cranston JIMMY MANTLE twisted a little in the cockpit of his Skua and looked over the side of the fuselage at the black spot on the calm blue water thousands of feet below him. With any luck he would be just in time for a sherry before dinner. He remembered that Toby, the leader of B ...

A Son of France

... Exiled tuuti Hisotntetl He eon hi Still Strike a Hlotr for the tonnlrij He Moored By William Mowery ON the morning when the grey plane came, François was awakened by the cooing of his jungle doves. Always at the crack of dawn they flew down from the palms round his clearing and chortled at his hut door to be fed. Franijois sat up in his hammock, stretching a battered, dangerous jaguar of a man ...

Calf Love: The Trials and Troubles of getting an obstacle in the sea shifted

... Calf Love I/if Trials ami Traablrs aS (jcitiafj an absiadti in the soa sh if let! By C eorge Stern THAT, said the Wren to the leading telegraphist as she lifted the receiver, sounds like more trouble. The leading tel. sat back and waited. He liked to see how the women ran this war. Hello Yes I'm afraid he isn't in just now Well, sir, I think he's 'Avin' a corffee at the club, muttered ...

Milton Raid: Even Death could not Sever the Ties of Comradeship

... Milton Raid Even Death could not Sever the Ties of Comradeship By Llewellyn Hughes NO, I won't easily forget the thrill that came to me when I saw my name posted on the bulletin board: Committed to combat with the enemy. It was a day in spring-- no, thank you, Sir. I 've lost the taste for smoking. I went for a walk that afternoon through the woods near the training school in Sussex. I ...

Upon the Midnight Clear: A Christmas Drama of the Sea

... Upon the Midnight Clear A Christmas Drama of the Sea By Louis Arthur Cunningham LIEUTENANT ROB CLAUSEN, second in command of the Canadian corvette Jaguar, ducked down behind the can vas dodger as part of the Bay of Fundy came thundering down on him, inter rupting his whistled rendition of The First Nowell, but not for a moment driving away the thought of Christmas, now just two days off. For ...


... Parting from a ship in which he has served is, to a sailor, like parting from a friend by Edward Cranston THREE men sat at the big dining-table in the middle of the destroyer's wardroom. Before each was a glass, and a decanter of whisky stood beside a siphon on the side board. It was a curious scene, lit only by the dim rays of a single ship's lantern. The deck sloped slightly to starboard and ...

Private Amadu Frafra Obeys Orders

... By Gun Buster IT was on a fine sunny morning in the spring of 1939 that Amadu Frafra booked himself a front seat in the world war. But he did not know it at the time. He had wandered all the way down the Tamale- Kumasi road and, with nothing better to do, was now lounging around the Kumasi barracks square, between the European and Native quarters of the town. In the bright sunshine the drill ...

BUBBLE AND SQUEAK: Stories from Everywhere

... KIBBLE and mm Stories from Everywhere THREE tortoises were drinking in a bar. They wanted some cigarettes, but the barman was out of stock. One of the tortoises said: If you promise not to drink my beer, I'll go round the corner and get a packet. After half an hour's wait, one of the other tortoises said: Let's drink his beer. At this a voice from the door said: If you do, I shan't go round ...