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have been sent to India: their lives are guaranteed by the British Government. Yamashita: I should like to know ..

... Government. Yamashita: I should like to know whether you wish to surrender or not. If you desire to surrender I shall insist upon unconditional capitulation. What is your reply, yes or no? Percival: Could you give me time until tomorrow? Yamashita: Till tomorrow ...

Published: Tuesday 17 February 1942
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 235 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

Japan Takes Huge Oil Centre

... Commander-in-Chief. and Lieut.-General Yamashita, Japanese Commander-in-Chief, when the surrender of Singapore was arranged. The meeting lasted 49 minutes. - I will only accept an unconditional surrender. said General Yamashita at the outset. Have any Japanese ...

Published: Tuesday 17 February 1942
Newspaper: Irish Independent
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 304 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

No Prisoners

... Perctval: Will you give until to-morrow morning? Yamashita: To-morrow? I cannot wait, and the Japanese forces will have to attack to-night. Perclval: How about waiting until 11.30 p.m. Tokyo time (3.30 p.m. Yamashita: that is to be the case the Japanese forces ...

Japs Talk of Using

... harbour and the poatiblUtiea entry through then. Percival and Yamashita Tokio Account of Surrender Parley J I H E meeting between Lieut-General Percival, the British G.0.C., and Lieut.-Ueneral Yamashita. Japanese Commander-in-Cbiet. when the surrender of Singapore ...

Published: Tuesday 17 February 1942
Newspaper: Nottingham Journal
County: Nottinghamshire, England
Type: | Words: 579 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... each maponly the heaviest attacks are on show—are pictures illustrating the damage inflicted by the Huns. All this General Yamashita studied before blitzing Pearl Harbour. To further his knowledge of aerial warfare, I am told he took part in raids on ...

Published: Wednesday 11 February 1942
Newspaper: Daily Mirror
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 178 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Premier to Make Statement On Escape of Warships

... Generals Percival and Yamashita: Yamashita: I wish short and exact replies. I shall be satisfied only with unconditional surrender. Have any Japanese soldiers been taken prisoner by the British? . . No. Not a single soldier. _ — Yamashita: What about the __ ...

Published: Tuesday 17 February 1942
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 402 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Why Tomozuki has a headache

... something) is Tomozuki Yamashita, Inspector-General of Japanese Army Aviation. I remember him as a fine pilot, modelling himself on monocled General Lohr. Commander of the 4th German Air Fleet, and a hater of Britain. Yamashita has a personal gamble in ...

Published: Monday 09 February 1942
Newspaper: Aberdeen Evening Express
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 607 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

in-C. at Singapore wants to divide the world

... General Yamashita has had a very big part in the planning of these attacks. It is freely whispered in Japan that General Hachtok, a high officer of the Luftwaffe, but a behivd-the-scenes man few people have heard about, is assisting Yamashita. If I know ...

Published: Wednesday 11 February 1942
Newspaper: Daily Mirror
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 447 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

OVER 55,000

... claim that there are about 1.000.000 people still in Singapore City, among them 120 English women and children. General Yamashita, the Japanese Commander, who negotiated the surrender of the island, has, according to Tokio, undertaken to be responsible ...

Published: Tuesday 17 February 1942
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 88 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... •• Rely on Perrival: Will you give until was agreed that Lieut-General to-morrow morning? Percival and the Governor. Sir Yamashita: To-morrow? I can- Shenton Thomas, should present not wait, and the Japanese forces themselves at the enemy headwill have ...

Published: Tuesday 17 February 1942
Newspaper: Daily Herald
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 521 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

Jap C

... e in Malaya and Singapore—l am not surprised. Only twelve months ago, when I chatted • with Lieutenant-General Tomoyuki Yamashita—former member of the Supreme War Council and Inspector-General of Military and Air Forces—who is ruler of all air arms, he ...

Published: Wednesday 11 February 1942
Newspaper: Daily Mirror
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 246 | Page: 2 | Tags: none