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December 1942
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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News




London, London, England

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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

Other Days--Other Ways: But Certainly Not Sorry for Ourselves!

... Other Days-- Other Ways But Certainly Not Sorry for Ourselves! Pitch and Toss. Merlon. Maidstone. Precious Burden. Fast. Loose. Sixty feet of Ccdarwood and the same of Pine. Grand National Dinner. 1939 Viands. 1942 Vegetables. Round the Brazier. National Hunt. National IPorA. ...

Jaunts and Jollities

... At Christmas play, and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year SO wrote Thomas Tusser in his Farmer's Daily Diet 400 years ago. The fourth Christmas of the war has changed our material con ditions, but it has not changed our Christmas spirit. How many of these land-girls could have dreamed a few years ago of being separated from their friends and families and particularly of being ...

Rapier on Racing

... MOMENTS of an historic year flash by on memory's screen. The Royal victories with Big Game and Sun Chariot; the visit of the King and Queen to Newmarket during Derby week; the look in Gordon Richards' eye when he rode Sun Chariot on to the course on One Thousand day; a late winter's afternoon in the Sales Paddocks at Newmarket when Matthew Peacock bid 17,000 guineas for Olein: the late Sir ...

Cocktails to Port

... ecLlaiLi to Port WHEN Sandy told Jock he was going to Australia and would be away for six months, his friend said, Look up my old pal in Sydney, will you? His name is Crummack. You'll remember it easy-- it rhymes with stomach. Six months later Sandy informed Jock he could not find his friend Kelly anywhere. Captain I hope the next time I see you, you'll be a second-lieu- tenant. Private ...

Target for 1943

... rTtHE ILLUSTRATED SPORTING AND i DRAMATIC NEWS, in wishing its readers a Happy Christmas, also presents them with this happy picture , along with the wish that the New Year will be as fruitful as the old one has been. If it has been our policy since the war to promote the Growmore Crusade at home, it has also been our policy to try to show everyone how to join in it and to prove what can ...

The Story of Agriculture in Great Britain

... By L. F. Newman, M.A., F.S.A., Dip. Agr. (Camb.) Part I IT is difficult to fix the time when agri culture first became a recognisable industry or even to define what the beginnings of agriculture were, as there is no clear-cut definition of the term. As soon as man had reached a state of culture and development when hunting ceased to be the chief interest in life, and the increasing population ...

A Change of Direction: Other Days Other Ways

... A Change of Direction Other Days Other Ways In Rolling Country. Crick] ade. Berkshire. Night Scene. Oberland. 'England. Cross-Country Tracks. Davos. New Forest. A Study H in White. Two Rarities. Kggs Some. Golf Balls None. Skating. Trotting. Town Plate. Xei cmarkct. County Champion. Cornwall. A lex Kyle. Golfer's Trophy. Sam King. ...

A Green Christmas

... ACCORDING to Leadenhall Market, London, few of us not in the Services, this Christmas will smack our lips and say: Just a little white and a little brown meat, please, Since we can't really imagine eating a fishy Christmas dinner, the only thing to do seemed to pay a visit to Covent Garden, and have a look at the vegetable prospect. Though prepared in this gastronomic good cause to rise at 3 ...

Almost In The Oven

... THERE are many good reasons for joining a Pig Club or a Rabbit Club. There is patriotism, saving valuable shipping space, setting a good example, duty, and so on. But to our mind, one of the best reasons (especially at Christmas time) is a nice piece of loin of pork If you don't care for pork, then what about a tender roast rabbit, and even if you don't like cooked rabbit, then how about a ...

Up and Down the Land

... AS far as we can gather, the Government's immediate policy is to produce more of everything, whether it be munitions, milk or foodstuffs. There is nothing to show, however, that the nation is to be en couraged to produce more children. The publication of the Beveridge Report is the only evidence that our economists are thinking ahead in such terms. The war wastage in 1943 may be enormous; ...

Playbill Looks at the Shows

... It Happened in September (St. James's) I HAVE a notion that the cries of Rotten! and so forth, which came from the gallery when Mr. Beverley Baxter appeared on the stage on the first night of this, his first, play, were largely prompted by political prejudice. For Mr. Baxter is a Conservative M.P., looks like one, writes like one and talks like one. His play is by no means rotten or rubbishy ...