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New Records Created

... THE auctioneers, Messrs. John Thorn ton Hobson and Co., offered 69 freshly-calved or down-calving heifers and 16 young bulls. All were pedigree stock from the attested and agglutination-tested Minsted herd. Altogether, 71 lots were sold, at an average per head of ^300 a record average for the breed in this country- MINSTED EXQUISITE 12841 is a daughter of Auchenbrain Morning Glory. Her calf by ...

A 3,000 Guinea Bull

... THE Shorthorn Society's Show and Sale at Reading, which occupied two days, con cerned 57 cows and heifers and 136 bulls. There were 10 classes, including a special butter- fat class for pedigree bulls. The Thornton Challenge Cup for the best group of three bulls was won by Colonel W. C. Devereux, of Round Hill, Kimble, Aylesbury. Buyers included the King's agent, who paid 550 guineas for ...

Rapier on Racing: Breeders Should Bestir Themselves

... /\oJh£^l on Breeders Should Bestir Themselves MAJOR GERALD DEANE has recently made one or more of his not infre quent and pertinent incursions into print on the position of the bloodstock in dustry. It amounts to an attack on the Jockey Club's handling of the war time situation an attack to which the Stewards are unlikely to reply, at any rate in print. J. neir aitticulty, I imagine, is that ...

Cattle Branding in Rhodesia

... DURING recent years stock-farming in Southern Rhodesia has made great progress and a large export beef trade has been built up by the cattle farmers. In the early days of the industry the African stockmen had to contend with epidemics of cattle sickness, most of them carried bv insects or by ticks. But recent research on the subject has enabled the agricultural departments to keep these pests ...

Lime for the Land

... THE preparation of agricultural lime has become a matter of the utmost importance in these days of increased crop production. A considerable proportion of the land ploughed up during the war is sour and requires the application of lime if satisfactory crops are to be grown. Fortunately, there is an unlimited supply of limestone chalk is a very pure form of lime stone and millions of tons are ...

Pedigree Ayrshires at Reading

... THE English Committee of the Ayrshire Cattle Herd Book Society attracted 102 head of pure bred and 31 head of non-pedigree cattle to their Show and Sale at Reading on February 4. The average for seventy-four pedigree lots was /103 11s. yd., but the feature of the Sale was the average for heifers in milk or in calf. Seventeen of these averaged £153 iSs. 4d The cattle were of fair quality, and ...

Cider Making In War Time

... Cider Making In I War Time I By Vernon L. S. Charles THE south-western counties of England, together with Gloucestershire, Here- fordshire, Worcestershire and Mon- mouthshire are noted for their cider orchards in which are found large standard trees of special varieties of cider apples which nearly all originated in the Normandy district of France. The greater part of the cider pro-- clucect ...

Thinking for Victory

... It is quite true that we are dipping into our reserves, but I am not unduly anxious The Prime Minister in the House on February 9, 1943. THE Premier's statement was very timely, not only because it sounded a warning note, but because it may have en- couraged the community to think out for themselves the implications of the coming offensive as it might affect the non-combatant population. ...

The Seal of the Otter

... THE Kendal and Dis trict Otter Hounds held their first meet of the season on August2ist. The Master, Sir Maurice Bromley-Wilson, of Dalham Park, Milnthorpe, was out with the pack, which turned out in fine fettle. The river Bela, or Belah, a tributary of the jEden, is usually a good hunting ground, but on this occasion there was no kill only good hunting! THE RIVER BELA: Hunts man and hounds ...

Police as Gardeners

... THE Metropolitan Police Horticultural Society (A, B, C, F, T and V Divisions) held a Victory Garden i Show at the Royal Horticultural Hall on August 24 and 25. The Hon. Secretary is Police-Constable R. S. Trickett, F.R.H.S., of Ealing, who is an authority on water plants, and carries out research work at Kew in his spare time. The show attracted a good attendance, and the exhibits showed how ...

All For the Forces

... Mrs. carlota oppenheimer, of Lantern Cottage, Gerrard's Cross, continues to sustain the r61e of Fairy Godmother to the armed forces and hospitals, as described in previous issues. Last year she turned out single-handed over 6 tons of jam, in addition to quantities of bottled fruits, cakes, spiced bread, cheese, etc. She is here checking the weekly supply of good things from her garden and ...

Mellowing Influences

... Ey A. Croxton Smith MRS. J. G. WINANT had a day off when she opened the Woodford Canine Society's show at Hendon in aid of the Kennel Club's Dogs of Britain Red Cross Appeal. It was the first she had had the opportunity of attending since Mr. Winant came as the American Ambassador to London, and one can believe that she enjoyed herself thoroughly, although, in consequence of the restricted ...