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Soil Stabilisation

... AMERICAN engineers in this case, a U.S.A. Army Engineer Unit have introduced to this country a new process of road-making which may mark a big advance in solving road problems in agricultural areas after the war. The essential element in the process is that soil and cement are mixed on the spot, obviating the need for laying foundations in the old manner. Soil Stabilisation, as the process is ...

Walnuts for Vitamins Now

... THE Ministry of Food is interested in the possibility of utilising the high per centage of Vitamin C in green walnuts, and inquiries about the distribution of walnut trees in this country have been made through the British Ecological Society and other similar bodies. Any information on the subject should be sent to G. E. Blackman, Honorary Secretary, Biology War Committee, Imperial College,. ...

Making Goat History: The Veterinary Officer's Report on Our Experiment

... Making Goat History The Veterinary Officer's Report on Our Experiment In our last issue we reported from the. owners point of view an experiment in artificial insemination carried out at our trial holding on a goat. We are happy to say thatthe kid, named Susie, for no particular reason, is doing magnificently and chasing the fat off the Michaelmas geese who share her paddock. Lizzie, her ...

Champion Dogs in Eire

... HpHE North of Ireland took a good share of the prizes in the annual Monkstown Show held in the grounds of St. Grellan's Hall School, Monkstown, Dublin. There were 306 classes, the largest being for Cocker spaniels, terriers and dachshunds. Neutral Eire, unconcerned with war problems, is enjoying a great boom in sport of all kinds the entries for the Monkstown Show totalled 11 25, including a ...

Worker's Playtime

... Si, AN old Hampshire hedger is enjoying his 12 o'clock SS in solitary state on an old Roman Road on the bleak downs. Hot meat pies never get as far as this, his bait is a bit of dry bread and a little cheese. The marvel is that MB such men can do so hard a day's work on so little food. MR, Once upon a time he would have kept, killed and cured his I own pig, and a chunk of fat bacon would ...

Scientific Breeding in America

... THE course of natural evolution has produced new types of plants and animals, but the process is a slow one. Man, armed with a knowledge of biology, can shorten up this process, and varieties with desirable commercial points can be produced almost to order. Not only are obvious characteristics of shape, form and appearance susceptible of change, but hidden factors such as resistance to disease ...

Regrafting Old Fruit Trees

... By Our Horticultural Correspondent THERE are many methods of grafting fruit trees, each having a different purpose. Most of them call for a degree of technical knowledge and skill which can only be properly acquired after practical demonstration by an expert. Pro pagation of young fruit trees by grafting is one of the methods which I do not recom mend to the war time beginner. Apart from the ...

Up and Down the Land

... cmcf Msown Ute /aiu^ NO week passes but stories reach this office of enterprises with the humblest beginnings which have been rewarded by success which, before the war, would have been impossible. An example is the work of two brothers-in-law in Worcestershire, illus trated on later pages of this issue. How they pooled their resources and gave up pig and poultry farming for arable farming is a ...

A Public School Forestry Camp

... I v] I 'HERE are many out-of-door activities jjj J- for volunteer workers in wartime, a and not the least important of these is j the work of felling trees in our wood- IE lands. Timber is urgently needed for many purposes, especially in mines the average life of a pit-prop is less than four weeks and there are not enough trained foresters for the work. During These pictures are reproduced ...

A Truly Remarkable Amateur Gardener

... By Our Horticultural Correspondent HERE is a record of achieve- ment in food production which is surely unique. It is the story of a very busy man who has converted a one and a quarter acre flower and pleasure garden into an intensely cultivated and highly productive vegetable plot. That, you may say, is nothing out of the ordinary in war time. But in this particular instance the idea was to ...

Notes on the Exhibits

... WAR TIME VEGE ill [A Mr. A. G. bymmons, of 'atform Show this year. The getabla I 0 VCTION The picture shows the great display of vegetables grown by pi rrjngta by him as an honorary exhibitor at the Watford Horticultural Ire presented by Mr. Symmons to the lied Cross Agricultural Fund. ...


... FOREST LODGE, BLAIR ATHOLL Venison for the dishes shown below came from this most famous of all Scotland's deer forests. The hind season is from the middle of November till the end of March about the same number of hinds should be shot as stags each season. HANGING THE VENISON: By dusting with powdered ginger or pepper and keeping dry, it will be good for a fortnight. Here we have haunch, neck ...