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25 June 1943 (21)



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The Home Front

... WORK in the English fields and villages is publicised daily on the screen, the radio and the Press. But there is an army of humble workers, in almost every country village, who, in Women's Institutes, W.V.S. and other organisations, are making sure that the produce shall be preserved and dis tributed to those who need it most. They are not without their rewards. Her Majesty the Queen has ...

Rapier on Racing: Classical Triumphs for the Country Stables

... ^/^.ahieJL (WL Classical Triumphs for the Country Stables A VERY well-known member of the Jockey Club .said to me in the Paddock on Derby Day that he knew what would win. Apparently he had thought of a number, trebled it and divided it by something or other; in other words, he was like nearly everybody else; trying to pick the winner with a pin. The openness of the race was subsequently ...

Midsummer Fruit Culture

... 8 y Our Horticultural Correspondent IN most parts of the country the prospects for the fruit crops appear to be good. This means that a large number of trees will be bringing heavy yields to maturity. Thus to safeguard the trees' future welfare the fruit grower will do well, during the next month or so, to devote as mush time as possible to the various routine measures which are designed to ...

Farming Can Be Fun

... HPHE North of England and many areas in the Scottish agricultural J- counties have, since the beginning of the war, made a feature of farming competitions, designed at once to be instructive and recreative, with a special appeal to youth. It will be observed that, in our illustra tions of the beet-singling competitions in Fifeshire, a wise and practical Scots Committee has enabled at least one ...

Soil Research In a Cottage

... THE average farmer, anxious to check his soil for pests and other causes of infertility, is still sceptical of the new fangled devices by which his soil may be tested for deficiencies, excesses or pests. He thinks of cold and soulless laboratories in which obscure research workers carry out their experiments in august (and probably expensive) isolation. Sussex has disposed of this idea by the ...

The County of Stone Walls

... I 1 THERE are few large farms in Derbyshire, but many family-sized properties and same 3400 part-time holdings. Excluding holdings under 20 acres, there are 5012 farms in the county, and of these 3502 are less than 100 acres. In the county of stone walls the smallholder and the small farmer are playing a fine part in British agriculture's miraculous recovery. The war has intensified rather ...

Haying in the Jordan Valley

... Having in the Jordan Valley A FORTNIGHT ago we published pictures from the cattle market at Aleppo, where the Royal Army Veterinary Corps are teaching many of the Arabs something about the care of animals. These pictures are from Palestine, in the Jordan Valley, where, in one of the hottest and driest spots in the world, the British Army has made a forage farm. War, at least when British ...

The Derby

... feflhe Derby SILVER RING CROWD watching the Coventry Stakes, icon by Miss Paget' s colt, Orestes. The Ditch on the far side of the coarse was lined with spectators who chose the open side of the Ilcath. GETTING THEIR MONEY READY, the long stream of spectators nearly all of whom had walked or cycled to the course, including a strong contingent of Servicemen from U.S.A., Australia and elsewhere. ...


... MOSS BROS? MOSS BROS L- JQDHPURS Breeches Sc complete Riding Outfits Horse lovers still manage to get their riding, and so keep fit -fi to do their bit. They may be glad to know that we still supply most items of Riding Kit Riding Boots and also Saddlery. For Officers in the Ser vices we have a full range of fittings in ready-for- wear Service breeches and Field Boots. Naval, Military, R.A.F. ...

Straw as a Food

... THE increased area of cereals grown under war conditions to produce grain, and so reduce the amount of food which must be imported, has caused an accumulation of stray in this country. Straw cannot be applied to the soil without treatment of some kind, and the supply of yard-fed fattening cattle is not sufficiently large to make it all into farmyard manure. The number of straw-stacks dotted ...

Guernsey Cattle at the Reading Sale

... HIGH prices were obtained at the English Guernsey Cattle Society's summer sale of Tuberculin and agglutination tested cattle on June 16 at Reading. Bidding was especially brisk for the animals presented to the society for disposal on behalf of the Red Cross Agriculture Fund. Purchasers of stock dedicated to this popular fund are usually generous bidders, but the animals sold were of high class ...


... ^PATENT' BARLEY^ 1 Y°u H 7 1 he\p „sK 0,0 As you know, Robinson's have had to give up making their Barley Water in bottles for the duration of the war. As a result the making of barley water from Robinson's 'Patent' Barley has again become popular. Many people have consulted me on the question of flavour and I've recommended juice from stewed or tinned fruit, a little honey or jam, and ...