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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

Farm Sunday

... j I St. Albans Here in the Market Square hundreds of Land Girls, members of Young Farmers' Clubs, Farmers and their wives and school children gathered for a great open-air service to mark . Guildford here was celebrated by a parade of all who work on the land, with their s' ftheir wfSBon3 and their horses and farm stock. On a little dais decorated by sheaves of corn the Mayor of Guildford ...

A Hospital Feeds Itself

... THE City General Hospital in Leiceste has to cater daily for patients, nurses maids, housemen and cleaners a total t: 800 persons. Nevertheless, with the excep tion of meat, it is fed entirely from produo grown on eighty acres of its grounds. Sis gardeners and two land-girls (who only joinei the hospital staff three months ago) an responsible for this achievement. Stric accounts are kept by ...

Mechanised Intercrop Work

... By J. C. Litterick, F.I.M.T. COMPLETE mechanisation of intercrop cultivation--row crop work, as it is called--has proved one of the hardest problems agricultural engineering has had to solve. But the problems are solved and enormous progress in this practical branch of agricultural science has taken place during the past few years. A rowcrop demonstration, attended by hundreds of expert ...

Rapier on Racing

... J^ahtPyZ- O'PV THE Stewards have issued an extension to the existing Fixture List, which will carry us as far as August 14. The full list, that is to say, the fixtures for the remaining half of the season, was not decided on when The Racing Calendar of July 1 went to press. We have been extremely fortunate so far and, if we are so lucky as to secure a fixed date for the St. Leger and the ...

Lakeland Holidays

... NOW that high summer has arrived, the war-worker's mind turns to thoughts of the holidays of the past, and of the future, when victory will allow a return to the pleasures of pepce. But it is still possible to snatch an occasional week-end, and the picture above shows a riding party on Cartmel Fell, north Lancashire, where Mr. George Dickenson's stables provide a pleasant canter for his party. ...

Sport in the City

... By A. Croxton Smith THE great clearance of property in the heart of the City of London attributable to enemy action is to have one result that must have been entirely unexpected. A garden party and fĂȘte is being held in the devastated area adjacent to St. Paul's, on Saturday, July 31, and the following Monday, the organisers being the London Fire Force. After the deduction of expenses the ...

A National Asset

... THE 22nd annual general meeting of the National Institute of Agricultural Botany was held at the headquarters at Cambridge on July 15th, and the popularity of the event was shown by the large attendance of farmers, members of the seed trade and others. The event meant a busy day for the staff committee meetings all the morning with such famous plant- breeding experts as Sir Rowland Biffen, F.R ...

Our Future Forests

... TWO great wars in a quarter of a century have made heavy inroads upon the forests and woodlands of our country. Timber imports are drastically reduced in wartime, but the need for timber remains as great as ever. hi early 500,000 acres 01 timDer were ielled in the last war, and very little of this was replanted. Planning for the future must include reafforestation, and if supplies of home ...

Hay Harvest in Surrey

... TWflj Tyi A FAST train from Victoria will reach Coulsdon in 36 minutes, even in wartime. The adjacent Chipstead Valley is largely residential hardly a place to go to for hay making pictures. Yet the photographer has been able to obtain pictures which might have been taken in the heart of the country. The scene is the L.C.C.'s Chipstead Valley Farm, on which a team of Land Girls have been busy ...


... THE queen isn't laying enough eggs, said the expert. You should re queen. It is quite simple. You order a new sovereign and introduce her to the hive after killing off the old queen. Now, though for the benefit of visitors I often lift off the roof of the hive and turn up a corner of the quilt to expose the busy workers, I am not a person whom they say talks to his bees. The thought, then, ...

Four Schools Race at

... Henley ONLY four schools were able to accept Eton's invitation for a race at Henley. Radley rowed their boat the 50 miles down to Henley, spending one night at Reading. Eton rowed the 26 miles up-stream, and two other Eton boats were also rowed up from Eton for the use of Shrewsbury and Winchester. The course was about a mile up-stream. 1 zr 7 r 7 s 1 i1 1 Mini FIIM ETON: (Left to right R. D. ...