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London, England


London, London, England

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Before the Leaves of Autumn Fall

... THE Prime Minister's prophecy, made at the Guildhall on June 30, 1943, when the Freedom of the City of London was conferred on him, was in the following terms Very probably there will be heavy fighting in the Mediterranean and elsewhere before the leaves of autumn fall. B The fight in Italy is now on. The leaves are falling with the autumn rains. In London they are fluttering down to the ...

Feeding the Population in Syria

... THE military side of war operations is so vital and important that there is every excuse for the public to overlook the many essential duties carried out by the Army authorities behind the lines. One of the first and most important considerations is to ensure that the civilian populations in occupied areas are properly fed and that food hoarders and speculators are not allowed to hold up ...

Shrewsbury Sale and Show

... ALTHOUGH the Shropshire is an important sheep in the western counties, it is not as generally well known as the high quality of the breed warrants. There are a number of first-class flocks distributed over this country, but it is as an export type that the Shropshire is best known. The breed is very popular in the United States, where there are a great number of pedigree flocks as well as ...

Up and down the land

... A CONTEMPORARY publishes some astonishing figures illustrating the development of artificial insemination in Russia. In 1940, it is alleged, 1,950,000 cows, 15,180,000 ewes and 447,000 mares were fertilised in this manner. If to achieve this 3,000,000 cows and 21,000,000 ewes (we will throw in the brood mares) were inseminated, the resources of our great ally in skilled man power become even ...


... B7977C>2 fou get MORE from EVERY ACRE by using 4ARVESAN DRESSED SEED Last season's crops showed time and time again that Harvesan dressed seed produced extra sacks to the acre. Harvesan is the seed dressing which gives lib tin 2/6 71b. tin 15/3 1 41b. tin 28 561b. drum 102/8 seed gram an earlv start, promotes strong root growth and 1 1 ,w orf 1121b. drum 196/- fy* 86 SOLD AND STORED prevents ...


... MASSEY HARRIS LTD. MASSEY- HARRIS LTD. £D BLACKSTONE CO. LTD. Offices MASSEY HOUSE, BROOKLANDS ROAD, SALE, MANCHESTER Guinness for strength FastworkinaTools Ski BY APPOINTMENT TO' iE£ByGS3L^ni A j a F I I llMliBT (IIIMIIIIM llHIli III I 1^ Blgfl i- lr t: m si ^B^9 jtfii ■'jTWL-- SEASONAL MACHINES INCLUDE Tractors: Model 203, 102 Junior, Standard and Rowcrop, 102 Senior Standard; No. 26, 2, 3 ...

West Riding

... TRAVELLING through the of Yorkshire to-day one sees in every parish the gathering in of a rich harvest. Lowlands, uplands and many a stubborn glebe have contributed in no uncertain fashion to the nation's larder. This year, despite the loss to farming of land for aerodromes and public works, the arable acreage approaches the half-million mark and passes the previous record of the pros ...

Dual - Purpose Cattle: The Points of the Red Poll

... Dual Purpose Cattle The Points of the Red Poll THE Red Poll of Norfolk and Suffolk has its origins in the blending of the Old Red Norfolk and the Polled Suffolk dun, the former noted for its early maturing qualities and its fine beef, the latter for its milking properties. Herd milk averages range from 800 to 900 gallons with about 4 per cent, of butter fat. The breed is noted for longevity, ...

Points of the Red Poll Bull

... Brightwell prospect, a full portrait of which is on the preceding page, is here described in some. detail. Thrice a Royal Champion, he was selected as a good example of the breed and was specially photographed for Sport and Country under the direction of a well-known judge. The cow on the right-hand page, also photo graphed in August, is Honest Sonia, born February 17, 1936. GOOD LENGTH from ...

Rapier on Racing: Three Crowded Days at H.Q

... cm, Three Crowded Days at H.Q. LS RACING continues to go astonishingly well. The St. Leger was a gay and even colourful occasion. I cannot imagine where the women got their clothes from; they all looked as new. Gallant Naval Officers, Generals and Air Vice- Marshals marched stolidly along the road from the station to the course. The bicycle park was packed. The refreshment bars were as ...

Threlkeld Hound Trails

... HOUND trails in the Fell country play an important part in trying out individual hounds, in educating the young ones and in getting members of the pack fit for their more important duties. The trails are immensely popular, and heavy betting is transacted between the local people and the bookmakers. The Threlkeld trail, held at the foot of Saddleback in aid of Red Cross funds, was run in con ...

Guy's Hospital Rugby Centenary

... By John Radnor RUGBY football in war time very properly is mainly an affair of the Services. But let us not forget the Hospitals, and especially Guy's, who on Saturday celebrated their centenary as a Rugby club. In more normal times this would have ranked high as a sporting event. Many a columnist in unceasing pursuit of the mot juste or verbal tit-bit must have had his say on the subject and, ...