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A Few of Mr. Hugh Wyllie's Famous Ayrshires

... A SPLENDID QUARTETTE Four of the herd's best milkers Minsted Buttercup, Minsted Brenda, Minsted Blunder and Minsted Beth. AUCHENBRAIN MORNING GLORY 38866, bred by Mr. D. Wallace and now one of the eight stock bulls at Rush Court. He was born on October 1, 1936, and has produced good stock, including Minsted Brown King. MINSTED BETH, one of the foundation cows, gave 800 gallons of milk, 3'94 ...

Big Business in Guernseys

... THE vogue for high-priced dairy cattle continues. The recent sale, however, of a rising three-year-old Guernsey bull for 3400 guineas caused even the most hardened buyers to raise their eyebrows. The bull in question, Antonio 3rd of Toadsmoor 15558, was one' of twenty-four lots from Mr. Spanton's herd offered at one of Messrs. Thornton Hobson's recent sales at Reading. The buyer was Sir ...

Pruning for Beginners

... 8 y Our Horticultural Correspondent THE amateur gardener often finds con siderable difficulty in following written advice on pruning fruit trees. In the first place he may be unfamiliar with the meaning of certain technical terms which the writer is obliged to use and, secondly, he may possess trees of unorthodox shapes which can bear little comparison with those described in the text-books. ...

The Mitchelhill Trophy

... Midland Unit Wins U.K. Army Gardening Contest A MODERN Napoleon, endeavouring to reclothe the jest that the English are a nation of shopkeepers, would do well to consider a new epithet. We are now, surely, a nation of gardeners at any rate, in our spare time. Necessity, the mother of inven tion, has taken us all by the hand, and it is not an exaggeration to suggest that every gardener, in or ...

Services Boxing

... By John Radnor THE Services have a way of their own in Sport, and only those who fail to under stand complain that it is not a good way. The main object, of course, is not to produce champions of the first magnitude, rare fish at the best of times, but thousands of first-class soldiers, sailors and airmen. The Services do not recognise distinction as between amatenrs or professionals they are ...

Two Recent Ayrshire Sales

... DURING the autumn several im portant stock sales have been held and the prices realised afford an indication of the great interest breeders are taking in high-class pedi gree animals. Ayrshires have shared in the general demand for dairy stock, and the pictures show four animals who came under the hammer at recent sales two from the Gregory and two from the Hartgrove herds. Barnes Red Clover ...

Egg Producers' Problems

... THE problem as to what will happen after the war is worrying the egg producer as it is the farmer. At present the Ministry of Food, in order to keep the cost of living down, is purchasing eggs at a higher price than the public are paying for them. Without this subsidy egg producers simply would have to go out of business for even under the most skilled management an egg to-day cannot be ...


... INCOLNSHIRE RED SHORTHORN ASSOCIATION THE BEGINNING OF ALL GOOD THINGS The bed-rock of successful cattle breeding must lie in the production of commercial rent-paying cattle. Lincoln Reds are capable of pro ducing more beef and milk per acre than any other breed and so can safely be regarded as the profitable cattle for the progressive farmer. The ideal breed lor every need. History and ...

The Half-Shot in Winter

... WRITING for those fortunate ones who can still fit in a game of golf, I make no apology for getting back on to a topic which was quite a general one at this season of the year between my pupils and myself in the good old days. It is the use of the half-shot in winter. Since the era of the matched set, the policy has been to discourage the use of half-shots. All players have accepted the match ...

Young Farmers in West Sussex

... THE Young Farmers' Club movement is so big, so well established and highly organised, that a general description of it in A.D. 1943 is hardly called for. There was a temptation, not easily resisted, to present the work of one of the many going concerns, to be found all over the country. This was vetoed in order to show a country school club in embryo, in this instance an anonymous Y.F.C. in ...

Pennsylvania Farm

... ON June 8, 1943, an enquiry was received from Mr. Walter Moyer, of Ephrata, Penn., U.S.A. Mr. Moyer fattened 65 Hereford Steers from 700 lb. to 1,220 lb. average, and sold them for the then record price since 1937 of $18 per cwt. The enquiry, relating to comparative English prices, led to the submission by Mr. Moyer of some very interesting production figures from his 103 acre farm. They have ...