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23 June 1944 (18)



London, London, England

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Young Farmers in Four Counties: Berkshire

... Young Farmers in Four Counties Berkshire THESE happy young people are members of Young Farmers' Clubs in Berkshire. On succeeding pages are pic tures illustrating Y.F.C. acti vities in three other counties. The Y.F.C. movement con tinues to make immense strides and is supported by some of the most infiueptial agricul turists in the country. Young farmers, choosing in wartime to devote their ...

A Calf-Rearing Farm in Renfrewshire

... ALTHOUGH Floors Farm, Eaglesham (near Glasgow), gained a wide notoriety when Hess landed on it in 1941, it is one which has a special interest in agricultural matters. Calf-rearing here is the main occupation, and ingenious methods in feeding, cleanliness, and especially in segregation, might well be fol lowed profitably on many other farms. The attested herd of Ayrshires usually number about ...

All the Trouble on the Left

... THE Bedfordshire Golf Club at Bidden ham organised a successful match for the Red Cross and St. John Fund on their course just 1 from the centre of Bedford town, a most convenient distance in these days of transport restrictions. Missingword Many Service men and women, including our Dominion and American friends, followed the play on a lovely afternoon for golf dull, with a nice breeze blowing ...

Growing Wheat on the Equator

... By Marjory Hemphill Photographs are reproduced by the courtesy of the Kenya Information Office Those entitled Wheat Production and The Fields were kindly supplied by the Kenya Settlement and Publicity Office, London. IF a stranger were dropped here by para chute, I often wonder how many guesses he would require to calculate where he was, before he hit upon Africa, if he had no other clue bar ...

The Village Saddler

... THE village saddler had fallen on evil times the dusty hand-made goods hanging in his shop were his memorial to an age which had believed in quality. To-day, the revival of agriculture, the return of the pony and trap, and a demand for goods that will last have made the saddler busier than he has been for a generation. Everywhere there is more work than saddlers, for his is not a trade to be ...

The Fifth War Time Derby

... jSj LORD ROSEBERY won the fifth war time Derby with his home bred colt Ocean Swell, bred from his pre-war Derby winner Blue Peter, and Jiffy, by Hurry On. The winner, ridden in an exciting finish by the north country jockey William Nevett, beat the Aga Khan's Tehran (E. Smith) by a neck Mr. Hutchin son's Happy Landing (R. Jones), a trifle unlucky in running, was a short head away third. The ...

Up and down the land

... FINLAND, now one of the German satellite nations, is in the limelight again. It is presumably fated to come out of the war as yet another of the countries devastated as a result of its military, political and geographical situation. Yet it is only six years ago that the British Dairy Farmers' Association organised a visit to the country; members of the conference returned full of admiration ...

Still Turning

... AMONG the old English corn-mills which still take their motive power from the air is the one at Outwood, near Godstone. It is claimed for the mill that it is the oldest working windmill in the country, and although two of its sails had to be renewed some years ago, the grinding machinery is as sound as it was when it was installed in 1665. During the Great ^Fire of London in 1666 villagers ...

A Perthshire Beet Singling Competition

... /\RGANISED by the British Sugar Corporation and the Carse of Gowrie Junior Agriculturist Club, a beet singling competition held at Millhills, Inchture, attracted more than sixty competitors. Captain Barty, of the Sugar Cor poration's Cupar factory, was in charge. [Carse of Gowrie is the fertile alluvial tract which extends along the north bank of the Tay from Kinnoull Hill, Perthshire, to the ...

London Club for W.L.A

... ONE very cold early morning Mr. Bertram de N. Cruger, representative in England of the British War Relief Society of America, saw members of the Women's Land Army working in the fields. He shivered in sym pathy and then warmed in admira tion. So when last year he was auviacu ui liic u,uuu-t_n_mcii uuugci of the two foremost Labour Groups of America, the American Federa tion of Labour and the ...

Mid-Summer Routine: Grown in a Reader's Garden--What is It?

... Mid-Summer Routine Grown in a Reader's Garden-- What is It? By Our Horticultural Correspondent THE combined effects of late frosts and a drought of quite unusual severity have upset gardening programmes in many parts of the country. The work of trans planting seedlings and sowing winter veget ables, referred to in our last issue, is, generally speaking, behind schedule and now that the drought ...