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BUBBLE & SQUEAK: Stories from Everywhere

... BUBBLE SQUEAK Stories from Everywhere THE Ruridecanal Conference was at lunch, and a discussion had arisen as to the duties of the laity in country parishes. The activities of the laywoman, said an authori tative voice, must be definitely organized. What is a laywoman. precisely? someone asked. The Rural Dean's sixteen-year-old daughter, bieaking a long and brilliant silence: A hen! An armed ...

BUBBLE & SQUEAK: Stories from Everywhere

... BUBBLE SQUEAK Stories from Everywhere A woman had called on the vicar with a distressing tale about her daughter, who was very ill. She was anxious for the vicar to visit the girl. I'll certainly call on her, said the vicar. But 1 don t remember ever having seen you in my church. Do you attend often The woman shook her head. No, she replied. We happen to be chapel people. The vicar looked ...

BUBBLE & SQUEAK: Stories from Everywhere

... BUBBLE SQUEAK Stories from Everywhere DURING rehearsal, the conductor noticed that one of his first violins was looking himself. He stopped and asked the man if he felt unwell. No thank you, sir, I'm all right, was the reply. The rehearsal proceeded. Presently the violinist again caught the conduct eye. Smith, he said, are you sure you're all right, because you don't it? Yes, sir, really ...

BUBBLE & SQUEAK: Stories from Everywhere

... BUBBLE A SQUEAK Stories from Everywhere IN a film a Doughboy fishing with rod and line in mid-Atlantic caught a submarine. That beats all the fishing stories! chuckled the man in the next seat. Actually, it doesn't. A former British Ambassador to U.S.A. used to tell of an Englishman who asked the head-keeper Yellowstone National Park if there were any big fish in the lake. A few, admitted ...