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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

The Buckeye Trencher

... THE Buckeye Trencher, although it has been in use for some time in this country, is probably new to many of our readers. It is 30 ft. long and is powered by a 72-h.p. 6-cylinder Diesel engine. A most interesting point is that it has twelve different gear speeds, five of which are used when the machine is travelling along roads and the other seven while digging. On the road it has a maxi mum ...

Three Well-Known Southern Packs

... Three Weil-Known Southern Packs DURING the penultimate week of the old year before the frost came down and put a much-resented stop to the time-honoured Boxing Day,.' meets, three celebrated and old established packs held important meets within a few days of each other in two adjacent counties. The Crawley and Horsham met at Swains, Partridge Green, Horsham, Sussex, the lovely home of Mr. J. ...

The North Devon Coast

... By Ashley Courtei THE North Devon coast line takes over from Somerset at a point Porlock and Lynmouth, and further south merges unobtrusively Cornwall near Hartland. The exact places are immaterial, for do not herald a break in scenic charm, and seekers after leave headquarter North Devon will not quarrel with me if I direct them to where they can it. diversions into these neighbouring ...

To Farmers and Farm Workers: A New Year Message from the Minister of Agriculture

... To Farmers and Farm Workers A New Year Message from the Minister of Agriculture \A/E enter the New Year with confidence and hope. But we are still at war no relaxation must postpone the day of victory. CORTUNATELY the war time tasks ahead will serve also the cause of agriculture in peace. These tasks are to improve and expand our livestock industry and to establish on every farm a proper ...

Winter Routine in the Vinery

... By Our Horticultural Correspondent GRAPE vines now need winter pruning and a general overhaul. When fuel was plentiful and an early crop required, it was usual to complete the work during December and start the vines into growth in January. Although artificial heat cannot be used to any great extent in war-time, yet it is an advantage to prune as soon as possible after leaf-fall, as this ...

Rural Water Supplies

... By a Land Agent In the year 1582, Peter Morris, a Dutchman, made a Most Artificial Forcier,' by which water was carried into the houses. London (C. Knight, 18AI.I THIS feat of Peter Morris was a great achievement, and pointed the way to what could be done; but I fancy that the ingenious Mr. Morris would be both gratified and surprised, could he learn that the and Sewerage Act, 1944, has ...

Puppy Ways

... By A. Croxton Smith IT is strange how, out of the hundreds of puppies I have bred, some live more vividly in the memory than others; the rest have left no lasting impression. Those that had sufficient merit to become champions were bound to be remem bered as well as those that had an individuality that made them notice able or gave them the closer intimacy of the house. Methuselah sained his ...

Delightful Day's Meeting at Bryn-y-Pys

... By D. H. Watson-Wood HAROLD WRIGHT'S kennel staged a highly successful come back, after sickness which had held up its active par ticipation in the field sport since October, when representatives from the Preston Brook establishment shared in the division of every stake at the meeting at Bryn-y-Pys on December 19. This is the fixture held over Major Hugh Peel s estate at Royton, and it was ...

Secretary of the Lincolnshire Red Shorthorn

... Association, 184, High Street, Lincoln, England. The beginning of all good things Lincoln Reds' are spreading throughout the British Isles. Why Because they have achieved a reputation as THE dual-purpose Cattle. The Ideal Breed for every need. Breed Lincoln Reds and thereby Particulars of the breed from the conform with the Ministry's Policy. ...

Young Farmers' Club Christmas Players

... IN the simple and lovely setting of an eighteenth- century tithe barn, members of the Harting Young Farmers' Club acted and produced a Christmas Nativity play written by a Sussex farmer's wife, Mrs. William Hosking. And when the shepherds and the wise men were come to the stable they saw the young child with Mary, His mother, and fell down and worshipped Him and when they had opened their ...

Cold Storage For The Housewife

... THE term cold storage is loosely used to include all the various methods employed for the preservation of organic material by keeping it at a temperature near or below freezing-point. The growth of many bacteria and fungi is inhibited by cold, and the internal changes leading to the breakdown of meat are also very much slowed down, although all foods do deteriorate in store after varying ...

Racing in Australia

... RACING IN AUSTRALIA: Finish of the Elstermvick Stakes for three-year-olds. THE CAULFIELD CUP being i von by Mrs. D. Fraser's Counsel (A. Breasley) by a neck from Lawrence and Huntingdale 86,000 spectators saw the race. Tote takings were £162,296 a record. COUNSEL'S OWNER, Mrs. D. Fraser, received £5000 for winning the Caulfield Cup and £150 in war bonds. The winner is a gift from Mrs. Fraser' ...