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... MOSS BROS i CO.LTO. MOSS 8R0S 4 CO.tTO. Noto/, Military, R.A.F. Genera! Outfitters COVENT GARDEN Corner of King St. Bedford St., W.C.2. TEMple Bar 4477 (12 lines) And at Bristol Manchester Caniberley Bournemouth York, etc. ii id in a in War time People still ride, some as a change from riding in aircraft, tanks or jeeps others, both men j and women, in order j to keep fit to do their bit. And ...

Up and down the land

... THE latest idea for a Prosperous Agriculture is rather 'fas cinating. No farms under 200-250 acres-- the minimum efficient unit according to The Economist, and over-backed by the Agricultural Economics Institute of Oxford to the tune of 450 acres. This is their considered opinion, they have found the magic numbers. ft is not stated whether it holds good for other things perhaps it does 250 ...

The Future of Agriculture on R.A.F. Airfields

... By C. H. Eastop DURING the course of the war some 300,000 acres of land have been taken over for airfields and training camps to meet the requirements of the fighting Forces. Not all of this land was good and fertile of course; some of it was derelict, but even the best of it has not entirely been lost to agri culture, as with the acquisition of more land the R.A.F. also have acquired an added ...

Reconstructing Rural Cottages

... By Land Agent The poorest man in his cottage bids defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail its roof may shake, the wind may blow through it, the storms may enter, the rain may enter but the King of England may not enter, all his forces dare not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement. Speech on the Excise Bill. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, 1702-1778. IT is said that time ...

Cattle-Farming in Kenya

... By Marjory Hemphill THE author, who, with her husband, farms on a considerable scale in the Mau Summit area, 8322 ft. above sea-ievel, less than a day's journey from the great Lake Victoria, contributes a fascinating article relating to cattle-breeding in Kenya. Mrs. Hemphill, in an accompanying letter, writes that a recent visit from lions resulted in the loss of fifty head of cattle in the ...

National Hunt Sport Resumed

... THE National Hunt meeting with which the season opened at Cheltenham was most enjoyable-- a tonic for all who were lucky enough to take part in it. The weather was unbelievably good, at any rate in the opinion of those who had endured the cold, frosty spell in London and other winter- bound areas-- Wetherby, alas! included-- and there was that atmosphere of gaiety which always seems to pervade ...

Maple Sugar: A North-American Industry

... Maple Sugar A North-American Industry EARLY spring, while the ground -is still covered with snow, is the time for the annual tapping of the Sugar Maple, both in the province of Quebec and the north-eastern part of the United States. Sugar harvest is also the time for picnics, dances and late suppers round open-air fires in the intervals between the strenuous work of sugar-making. A crude form ...


... fjan^ Tuii BEAUTY OF 1 IS ITS QUALITY Desire for lovely lace-trimmed Lingerie will be allowed expression when the world is at peace again. Meanwhile, the plain fashion of MADiitOMA war-time Lingerie in Celanese' is satisfying 'Cg|gnCS6 the fabric is still lovely, the quality excellent, utility fabric USE COOL IRON L.F.2I3 ...

Orchids for Export

... LAST week the Orchid Committee of the Royal Horticultural Society met at Vincent Square, London, for their yearly judgment of new varieties. That so much time and energy can be devoted to orchid culture in the midst of a great war may seem strange, but collectors all over the world are prepared to pay large sums for any new species. Many of the plants on view last week have already been sold ...

Vegetable Seedlings Under Glass

... By Our Horticultural Correspondent THE problem of greenhouse heating becomes more difficult with each successive year of war. The fuel regulations remain unaltered and, officially, it is permissible to light the boiler fire for the purpose of raising vegetable seedlings. But coal deliveries and allocations are un certain and many growers have already been compelled to postpone the sowings they ...

Meat Rations for the Middle East

... MUCH has been done to supply the Allied forces in the Middle East with fresh meat obtained locally, to avoid, as far as possible, the carriage of perishable and bulky supplies, under difficult conditions in the field. A large central station has been established at Khartoum, where cattle and sheep brought in by Arab dealers are collected. The new arrivals are graded and care fully examined by ...

D.D.T. an Insecticide of the Future

... By G. L. Hey, M.A. IN recent months the Press has given much publicity, sometimes rather exaggerated, to the chemical substance known by the letters D.D.T. Its undoubtedly great value in many spheres of insect control has caused its development to be ranked in importance with the discovery of penicillin. The Prime Minister, in his review of the war situation in September of last year, referred ...