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... . maintenance jobs on farm lands and buildings must be done with the same thoroughness as in the past. You cannot afford to wait until the men come home. It is work that must carry on, year in and year out just as your labour-saving Fordson Tractor maintained in perfect working order by your Fordson Dealer will carry you through to Victory and beyond. Farm by Fordsoiv DAGENHAM, ESSEX ...

RYDER & SON (1920) LTD

... r RYDER SON (I920) LTD rl RYDER SON I 9 2 0) LTD Gardeners who Know their Onion;;' ALWAYS SOW m i pWifF RS Seed- I iBU&SSlsaftST Our entire quota of I945 Catalogues is now exhausted. Customers still without copies are requested to apply for Ar/lnr Cknat ST. ALBANS V ...

RYDER & SON (1920) LTD

... RYDER SON (1920) LTD., RYDER SON (1920) LTD., Gardeners who achieve Success N V ALWAYS SOW v., HYDIRS'Wr Our entire quota of 1945 Catalogues is now exhausted. Customers stilT without copies are requested to apply for a Priced Order Sheet to be ready shortly. ST. ALBANS ...


... DUN LOP (^M)je S/aiute.. and thank the magnificent men and women of all our fighting services land, sea and air. Highly skilled and competent, they will demand of Peace exacting standards of specialisation. The Dunlop Rubber Company, so closely in touch with their needs in war, will be specially qualified to serve them in Peace. Painted specially for the Dunlop Rubber Co Ltd., by W illiam ...


... THE BEGINNING OF ALL GOOD THINGS Collective Sales of these popular dual-purpose Cattle will be held at LINCOLN. Females April 25th. Bulls April 26th. The ideal breed for every need Catalogues in due course from the Secretary of the 184, HIGH STREET, LINCOLN. ...

It's Fisons for Fertilizers

... Under the tropical dun Native farmers in the tropics work a plot of land year after year without a break until it is completely exhausted. They then abandon it, clear another patch and proceed to work it to death, and so on. This wastage of the earth's surface has been going on for many centuries and will only be ended by the adoption of fixed as opposed to shifting cultivation. Tropical land ...

RYDER & SON (1920) LTD

... RYDER SON (192 0) LTD RYDER SON (192 0) LTD. Gardeners who give a thought to Ihe'marrow I ALWAYS SOW J CataCr ^°ta '945 V austerf r- n°w ex i f g?',OUt cor- I tested t- are r. I Pr'Ced Ord aPP,/ f°r a I berJ,der Sheet J RYDERS ahort/y I Wr --J ST. ALBANS ...


... OTS PURE DRUG CO. LTD DTS PURE DRUG CO. LTD This is one reason why t-r JT i v'*' -v5V V _ you can rely on REMEDIES FOR AILMENTS OF STOCK This illustration shows just a section of BOOTS vast Laboratories and Manufactur ing Plant. It is here that all BOOTS preparations are made under conditions of the strictest control. All ingredients are tested and re-tested for purity. That is why BOOTS ...


... Always keep rubber boots c/ea/ted ready for use. HOW TO CLEAN THEM Upside down under the tap to re move mud and dirt. Follow with warm soapy water if greasy. Dry and polish with a soft rag. Never put them near the fire. If the in- sides are damp, fill them with paper. They are worth all the trouble you can take. they will last you, vtueh longer Clean them when you take them off. Then you will ...


... JjARRyHALt) fjARRy HalJ) THE BREECHES MAKERS POST or PERSONAL customers Our long experience of post orders ensures every satisfaction to customers unable to call for personal fitting. Cavalry Twills, Indian Whipcords, Moleskins, Leather Lords, Bedford Cords, a Riding Tweeds, in popular shades and pr war qualities, made t( measure at short notice for Ladies, Gentle- men and Children. Breeches ...


... BLACKWHITE BLACKWHITE A GOOD APPETITE A glass of Black and White before meals will assist the good appetite, and this fine old Scotch whisky is so skilfully blended that it en sures good digestion AiS**1 (jtsW ...