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Embassy Girl: A Short Story

... Embassy Girl J A Short Story By Barry P e r o wne ACODIST in the Embassy service lived by the exercise of her wits. You 've got to have the sort of mind they had, warned Lois, that can solve puzzles under pressure. Codes are subject to mutilation, due to hurried encoding at the other end or bad signal conditions. Then is when you 've got to use your brains. You 've got to track down the ...

Zero Girl: A Short Story

... p Z e r o Q J Girl L A Short Story P B* !r\ Barry Perowne p FROM the window of the Embassy Codes Room, above the court yard where the shining cars with their diplomatic flags purred in and out, Lois Forrest had looked down on triumph, tragedy and the hidden hand in the international chess game. 1 numph she had witnessed in the person of one of the great field com manders of the war, slipping ...

Made To Measure: A Crook's Well-Laid Plan Which Went Awry

... Made To Measure A Crook's Welt-Laid Plan Which. Went Awry By Stanley Jackson HE was just buying himself a cup of tea from the platform-trolley when the voice reached him. He whirled round and caught a quick glimpse of a bulgy little woman in a mink coat, baby-blue eyes in a face of lard, and a bobbing mass of peroxided curls. A tired-looking porter was rubbing his chin in dismay while she ...


... TWO piano-movers knocked on the door. A meek-looking man opened it. Did you order a piano from the Blank Music Shop? asked the first piano mover. The tenant shook his head. No, not a piano, he corrected. X ordered a flute. The piano man studied a slip of paper. According to this, he grumbled, you ordered a piano The little man studied the husky piano- movers. Very well, he said ...

BUBBLE & SQUEAK: Stories from Everywhere

... BUBBLE SQUEAK Stories from Everywhere Taking a walk in Galway, a priest stopped to ask an Irish peasant how far it was to Corrofin. About half a mile down the road, Father. And God speed you! He walked a half mile, then another. Not until he had walked six miles did the priest arrive at Corrofin. When he returned in the late afternoon he met the same Irishman. What did you mean by telling ...

BUBBLE & SQUEAK: Stories from Everywhere

... BUBBLE SQUEAK Stories from Everywhere THE overnight millionaire wanted the best of everything. He went into a music shop and asked to see their most expensive violin for his son. The assistant brought out a beautiful Stradivarius, saying, This is a 1748 Strad, priced at £20,000. The millionaire hesitated a moment, then remarked: You say it was made in 1748 and that it costs £20,000? That's ...

The Home Coming

... p The Q Home Coming p A Short Story n By pi ^Terence Ilorsley THE last fix placed Malin Head 083 degrees 340 miles. In the words of the steward to the only wakeful passenger, the air liner was an hour and a quarter from land and less than two hours from her British base. She was flying at 23,000 ft. in an eighty-knot wind from the nor nor'- west a smooth, rushing wind without a ripple in its ...

Love Rules The Waves: An Anglo-American Romance Of The Last Days Of The War

... Love Rules The Waves An Anglo-American Romance Of The Last Days Of The War By Day Russell AN angry girl, leaning against a full gale from the sea, pushed her way towards the village. The village was a single street that ran down a steep hill to a little fishing harbour facing a bay on the English Channel. White- caps and blown spray raced across the bay and great angry clouds beat at the sea ...


... It Was A Hard Task To Follow In. His Father's Footsteps-- Especially When That Father Was An Admiral And A V.C. By Gilbert Hackforth-Jones AS he drove the car through the misty lanes of South Loam- shire, William was tempted for a moment to test his father's self-control by taking liberties with the Highway Code. He put the thought away from him just as he always did when in the com pany of ...

Copper In The Sky: A Film Contract Was Being Angled For, But An Entirely Different Contract Was Landed

... Copper In The Sky A Film Contract Was Being Angled For But An Entirely Different Contract Was Landed By Dudley Leslie Mg(i IF anything infuriated Copper it was to hear middle-aged women tearfully regretting their youth. They remem bered the bright eyes and the slim hips, but conveniently forgot the spots, the unaccountable blushes, the flurry of never knowing what to do with their hands. ...


... case, wouldn't it be better to give him dinner at Claridge's or the Ritz or some where? Certainly not he must be fed up with hotels. No, you've got a charming home it costs you enough why not use it? What shall I do with Alice? Bring her along too. She's your best publicity agent. She doesn't look a day over sixteen. COPPER began to hate Chris and his intrigues. When her mother had been an ...

Grown-Ups Sometimes Cry: A Short Story

... x X Grown Ups Sometimes Cry A Short Story By Cecille Leslie x x WALKING stealthily over the wet grass, when he should have been in bed, Sheppard Cheyne heard voices coming from the pergola. The noise was muffled because a thick coat of Virginia creeper hung over the arches, but the voices were loud enough to disturb the owls. sheppard wished the man would lower his voice if he wasn't quieter ...