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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News




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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

Lord Derby's Yorkshire Stud

... THE EARL OF DERBY, who owns the finest stud in the world, has five separate breeding establish ments, apart from the Knowsley Stud, which is a part of his Lancashire home. The best and most famous mares in England visit his five stallions. His own blood stock, from which his racing stable is supplied and replenished, is reared at the Stanley Stud, Newmarket, and at Thorn ton-le-Street, in ...

Back to Monte Carlo!

... Back to Monte Carlo AS I sit and write my notes this week I cannot help wishing I could send you-- instead of words-- some of the sunshine I am enjoying here in the South of France. That the sun goes on shining all the year round here, and that we can get used to being without it for such lengthy periods, speaks well for our native tough ness, for to feel the sun once again pouring down out of ...


... TT is unreasonable to expect to have men tied to farms at 70s. J- a week when they could go into other industries at nearly twice as much money. This statement is credited to Mr. A. C. Dann, General Secretary of the National Union of Agricultural Workers, who declared their complete dissatisfaction with the decision of the Agricultural Wages Board to reject the application of the unions for ...

Hampshire Downs: Lambing Starts Well in Mr. Benyon's Berkshire Flock

... Hampshire Downs Lambing Starts Well in Mr. Benyon's Berkshire Flock THE New Year ushered in a busy season for shepherd Mitchell, who looks after the flock of pedigree Hampshire Down sheep belonging to Mr. H. A. Benyon, of Englefield, Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire. This flock is famous for its ram lambs, and has pro duced many notable sires. The flock con sists of tso breeding ewes, and the shep ...

FIGHTING FROST: How Damage may be Avoided or Mitigated

... FIGHTING FROST How Damage may be Avoided or Mitigated UNTIL after the ferocious damage to crops as a result of frost in 1935, the English fruit-growers did little to Prevent a recurrence of such a catastrophe. In fact, all they did in that year was to discuss the problem. Prior to 1935, if a series of frosty nights came along as the apple blossom was out or the petals just falling, some ...

Turn of the Ye: The Hunts begin to put their difes behind them

... Turn of the Yt| The Hunts begin to put their (id es behind them NORTH CORNWAI L Hounds met at the pretty wooded Blisland village green, Bodmin Moor. The huntsman is Will Graddon. The setting contrasts strangely with that of the East Cornwall meet, only a few miles away, shown below. EAST CORNWALL ^ama^ca ^nn> where the meet ivas held, is in the heart of Bodmin Moor. The Acting Master is Mr. ...

The World's Highest-Priced Foal

... TV/TISS F. M. PRIOR, known all over -l*-'- the bloodstock-breeding world, took over the Adstock Manor Stud Farm, Winslow, Bucks., on the death of her father, the famous racing historian and breeder, in the Spring of 1940. Although she is an experienced breeder and, in fact, a member of the Council of the Thoroughbred Breeders' Association, her best friends were surprised when she paid 7,200 ...

Sporting Notions, Events and Personalities

... RJ. NORTHCOTE- GREEN, St. Edward's School, Oxford, is or ganising an Oxford v. Cam bridge Past and Present match at Richmond on April 13. He invites any Old Blues who may wish to be con sidered for selection to send him their names Brig.-Gen. Marchant appeals to landlords of small inns and taverns to improvise maximum stabling accommodation to meet the 1946 Holidays on Horseback campaign The ...


... WILD MOUNTAIN COUNTRY A view, characteristic of the Welsh mountains, which clearly shows the rough, boulder-strewn hillsides on which the hardy sheep exist for much of their lives. The dogs are driving a group towards a mountain gate on their way to the dipping pens. IN TJIE VALLEY, the large flock wends its w y 0 The trained sheep-dogs save the farmers weeks of d 'leu season. One dog may be ...

Crewe and Shifnal Sales

... TWO bulls were sold for iooo guineas each and twenty-nine bulls averaged £382 at the seventh annual sale of animals from Mr. W. H. Slater's Ayrshire herd. Bargower-bred bulls have been used by Mr. Slater since the formation of his herd, and fifteen sons of Bargower Cup Tie, who was sired by the famous Bargower Rothesay Bay, made an average of £529 4s. at the sale, which was attended by over ...

From Private to Commercial--II

... From Private to Commercial II By Our Horticultural Correspondent A FORTNIGHT ago I drew attention to the fact that the professional gardener who has always worked in a private establishment does not take easily to commercial work. There are, of course, thousands of good men who can run a garden really well, supply all the produce required by their employer, and, in addition, hand over a ...

Ten Years Tubercle-free: A Successful Experiment in Homœopathic Treatment

... Ten Years Tubercle-free A Successful Experiment in Homoeopathic Treatment CAPTAIN G. C. MORTON inherited the family estate at Pembury in 1932. At that time the home farm carried a small herd of mixed dairy cattle. There were a number of pedigree Guernseys with some non-registrable cows of the same type and a few cows of other breeds. Captain Morton devoted himself to the task of grading-up the ...