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... Landgirls Invade the Lobbies Again FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT Westminster. Monday, April 8. THE land girls are on the warpath again. Their comely delegates have re appeared in the Lobbies. Their champions are active in the House of Commons. Mr. Tom Williams stands firm on the Government's refusal to meet their claims. At the same time, he wants 30,000 new recruits and the campaign is ...


... , The Brooke Super Twin-screw Motor Cruiser has an overall length of 4 j feet and a draught of 3 feet 6 inches aft The engines two 120 h.p. Gray marine engines give a speed of approximately 18 knots. State Room, Aft Cabin and Saloon give luxurious accommodation for five people. Well- appointed Galley. Six foot head-room throughout. BROOKE MARINE has the outlook of the younger generation of ...


... TMVngon l XjoUVW jjrfi mut Never have our people worked so hard as now. Never have Maenson Clothes been so elusive, so sought- after at home and abroad, so respected by countless men who More the Maenson Service Battle Dress, and discovered the Difference in the Make and Fit. JOSEPH MAY SONS LTD., JLU6 liegent Street, London, W.l Tel.: REG 2404 f t dfmj) b I urit^ L. fa ftifl !P* ^A'OCUL^ They ...

From My Notebook

... By ASHLEY COURTEHAV EVENTS are moving so fast in the hotel world that my notebook is full to overflowing. Prior to starting a new one I feel the following entries, worthy of mention, may also prove of help to readers in holiday planning. North Devon. Lynmouth, Tors Hotel. Magnificently situated. A school during the war. Now comes under new ownership. Directors aim at making it the foremost ...

The Great Aintree Drama from Start to Finish

... THE START Thirty-four runners lined up at the post, but only six completed the course. THE CHAIR JUMP Bogshar, the 1940 winner, fell at the lialfxvay stage, in company with Gyppo (No. 34). SECOND TIME ROUND Still standing at Becker's were Prince Regent, Limestone Edward, Ilousewarmer, Jack Finlay, Schubert and Suzerain II. The photographer had the luck to gel Lovely Cottage landing, followed ...

English Jerseys' Spring Show

... HpHE English Jersey Cattle Society's A Spring Show and Sale was held at Reading on March 27. Unfortunately, foot-and-mouth disease restrictions pre vented a number of would-be exhibitors attending. The Loctcwood Cup for the best bull was won by Moles Royalist, exhibited by Mr. W. Borthwick, of Moles Farm, Ware, Herts, and Miss Galley's Burderop Jonquil was the winner of the female championship ...

Up and down the land

... A PLEDGE has been given that agriculture will not be allowed to become a distress industry, as it did between the two Great Wars, and that labour must be paid enough to provide a decent standard of living. This means that the British market will not be a dumping ground for surpluses, and the authorities may require that food imports come from countries where proper attention is paid to soil ...

A Mixed Sports Bag

... HOUND TRAIL PRACTICE in Westmorland. All the local trail hounds mere brought along for a try-out day at Seat Sandal, Gras- mere, in preparation for the opening of this popular sport's season. TIME MOVES BACK: The famous Old Father Time weather vane at Lord's, which was torn away by a barrage balloon in 1940, has been restored to its original position. BRADFIELD COLLEGE steeplechases. ...


... £15,225 The World's Record Price was paid for Pittodrie Upright STILL ANOTHER CONVINCING PROOF THAT The Scotch Shorthorn IS SUPREME FOR BREEDING STOCK TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE BEEF INDUSTRY JTHE SCOTTISH SHORTHORN BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION 77 George Street, Edinburgh, 2 Telephone 30337. The original and pre- eminent MEN'S GARTER London made since the last century. f-- i Bull The Garter ...


... No Cattle are HARDIER or more THRIFTY than the A SUSSEX COW ■am/.Atcw.iJ-i ip i i UNWi'im. jft i v.. -fir 1 1 H li'll Farmer Stockbreeder Photograph SUSSEX Sussex Cattle by E. Walford Lloyd (10/6) tells you all about them 5, BROADWAY EAST, DENHAM, near UXBRIDGE, MIDDLESEX ...


... A TRACKLAYER in 30 minutes 8.0 A.M. 8.15 A.M. 8.30 A.M. One of our many satisfied users writes 5th October, 1945 I have used a set of ROTAPEDS on a David Brown Tractor for over a year now and they have proved invaluable, enabling me to work on slopes and in soft sj ground where no ordinary wheeled tractor could have gone. BARREMMAN ESTATE, CLYNDER, DUMBARTONSHIRE FIT YOUR TRACTOR NOW WITH ...


... BY THE Flat Racing Season has had a splendid send-off, at any rate as far as the crowds, the all round enthusiasm for the sport and the organisation of the early meetings has been concerned. Lincoln was packed. Aintree was packed. The authori ties at both places were, however, ready for all emergencies and I am satisfied that every thing possible was done for the comfort of the hordes of ...