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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News



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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

The Cawdor Cup: Veteran Breeder Wins Trophy Outright for Third Time

... The Cawdor Cup Veteran Breeder Wins Trophy Outright for Third Time MR. JAMES KILPATRICK, of Craigie Mains, Kilmarnock, added to a long list of successes as a breeder by winning the Cawdor Cup outright at the Clydesdale Show with Craigie Supreme Comman der, a four-year-old who was also supreme champion. This was the third occasion on which Mr. Kilpatrick, who is 83 and first paraded a horse in ...

up and down the land

... MUCH has had to be crowded into this issue, our. first for a month, and we regret that many important shows are so briefly recorded. But if the suspension of this paper, by agreement between the Weekly Newspaper Proprietors' Association and the Ministry of Fuel and Power, helped in even the smallest way to ease the critical position, we are glad the sacrifice was made. subscribers win be ...

Ayrshires in Reading Floods

... DESPITE the floods, the English Ayrshire Cattle Breeders' Asso ciation held its Show and Sale at Reading, as had been arranged. Much of the market was under water, but with the use of quantities of straw and other improvisations, business was carried on satisfactorily. Mr. J. L. Dalrymple's entries were outstand ingly successful and three champion ships were among his achievements. MR. J. L. ...

On High Ground Work Begins Again

... A FLYING START The cabbages and to give London green vegetables at this time were rotting mess which should have been worth hundreds weather permits this field NO STOP FOR MEALS It is sometimes said j that only the older farm workers realise their responsi bility to the land, but, in truth, the youngsters are just as willing to get on with the task. Give them the machines and they will keep ...

Greenlands Re-visited: Making the Most of Existing Greenhouses

... Greenlands Re -visited Making the Most of Existing Greenhouses Bv Our Horticultural Correspondent THE amateur gardener can always learn something from the professional, and the accompanying pictures taken last week for Sport and Country in Lord Hambleden's well-known gardens at Greenlands, Henley-on-Thames, will no doubt brine out a few points of interest to our readers. These gardens, which ...

The Nation's Disaster

... WE publish these pictures not to interest the sightseers but to try to bring home to the people the enormity of the disaster which has befallen this country. Unless the sun and, above all, drying winds come quickly, we doubt if any spring corn will be sown on the lower ground this year. On higher ground there is still a chance, but by he middle of March the corn should be in, and now we are ...

England Wins The Calcutta Cup

... THE first Calcutta Cup match since 1939 was noteworthy for England's sound triumph over Scotland and for the number of injuries to players during the match. At one time both sides were playing with thirteen men. The English team, whose victory was four goals and one dropped goal to a goal, gave a very different performance from their display in Dublin. Their forwards were undoubtedly the ...

Steeplechasing Resumed At Last

... 5r- RACING under N.H. Rules was resumed at Taunton on Saturday, the 15th, for the first time since January 21. The meeting, carried out in deplorable weather conditions, attracted large fields, although the attendance was small. Racegoers, however, and especially West Country racegoers, were afforded some consolation for the cancellation of the National Hunt Festival at Cheltenham, which was ...

The Slow Play Rule

... I am very pleased that the United States Golf Association has come forward with the definite adoption of a rule covering slow play and which I understand has come into operation as from March I. I have not seen the wording of the rule, and clearly this is most important, for it is all very well con- demning slow play, but the enforcement of the rule is even more important. ine Americans, with ...


... V or* Jtfif 1 ,e y Traditional quality OLD SCOTCH WHISKY in original OLD FASHIONED FLASK Unsurpassed in quality although restricted in distribution by scarcity of old stocks. WILLIAM GRIGOR SON INVERNESS ALTHOUGH high-grade shoes are restricted, Norwell's may still be able to help you. Write to-day --your enquiries will have the personal attention of The man behind the boot. MiweJls _ OF ...

Getting a Move On

... Rv A. CROXTON SMITH THERE isgood news that the Kennel Club Pointer and Setter trials are being resumed on April 17, once again at Orwell Park, Ipswich. Definite arrangements are made and the news will be received with great pleasure by owners of these beautiful gundogs. The princi pal event of this meetmg is the stake known as the Kennel Club Field Trial Derby for Pointer and Setter Puppies. ...

The Ideal Breed for every need

... The beginning of alt good things Lincoln Reds are spreading fhroughout the British Isles. Why Because they have achieved a reputation as THE dual-purpose Cattle. Particulars of the breed from tbe Breed Lincoln Reds and thereby conform with the Ministry's Policy. Secretary of the Lincolnshire Red Shorthorn Associatipn, 17, West Parade, Lincoln, England. Tel.: 10445. ...