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The Agricultural Target

... OF the major British industries, farming is, perhaps, the most healthy and so the most likely to make an extra effort. The expansion called for is a 50 per cent, increase over pre-war, when there were nearly as many idle acres as productive ones, and 15 per cent, more than the war time peak of 1943/44, achieved under dire difficulties. r ne tana to-aay is m gooa neart proies- sional landowners ...

Oxford Ram Fair

... /\NE of Earl St. Aldwyn's flock of Oxford Downs was sold for the top price of /150 at , where the same owner received the cup for the most successful exhibitor and also won the special prize presented by the President of the Oxford Down Sheep Breeders' Association, Mr. W. Trevethan, for the best single shearling or ram lamb. Up to 70 guineas was made by others of Earl St. Aldwyn's rams Messrs. ...

Diet Changes the Standard Pig

... Proof that great changes can be made in the actual shape, general confirmation, type and quality of farm livestock by feeding methods is given in these photographs. They are of the same four pigs bom on the same day from the strain of Uniform Large Whites at the Cambridge University Experimental Station. The four were killed on reaching the bacon weight of 200 lb. Had all been fed on the same ...

Royal Dublin Horse Show

... With faultless rounds three com petitors shared the leading places in the Military Tumping Competition No. 2. They are left to right, Capt. Fresson (France) on Nankin; Commandant F. A. Aherne (Ireland) on Clontibret and Commandant D. J. Corry (Ireland) on Antrim Glens. Below, Commandant Corry is over the water jump in magnificent style and Commandant de Tiliere (France) another competitor in ...

Arab Summer Show

... WATCHING THE JUDGING of Anglo-Arabs at Roehampton, where there were over 200 entries for the Summer Show of the Arab Horse Society. The Society's first independent show, under the Presidency of Lady Wentworth, of Crabbct Park, was held in April last year and was followed by a summer event and another spring fixture this year. They were so successful that the Society is likely to have a ...

Royal Lanes Show at Salford

... FOUR EVENTFUL DAYS seemed all too fete for the crowds which flocked from Lancashire's great industrial area to see what their countrymen had to show them. The Show under the Presidency of Lord Peel (inset), was even more successful than its first post-war predecessor at Chorley. Of the record total of 3834 entries, 1123 were livestock (including light and heavy horses). There were also 1378 ...

Aldershot, 1947

... Alder shot, 1947 ALDERSHOT Horse Show, organised by the Corps of Military Police, included this colourful display of two N.C.O.'s of the Royal Dragoon Guards arrayed in scarlet jackets and pillboxes as of yore. The proceeds of the Show went to the Royal Military Police Central Benevolent Fund and the Aldershot Command T rust. Mounted Metropolitan Police gave a display in a competition for the ...

Herts Show

... GUERNSEYS in the parade of prize winner s. C STILL WINNING Knebworth Eileen, bred and shown bp Mr. W. Hodge, of Knebworth, Herts., won a First prize and Championship. She was a Supreme Champion at Lincoln. VELSHEDA ROBERT Gth, bred by Mr. W. L. Stephenson and shown by Major W. F. Bovill, Champion Guernsey bull. ORANGE STANDARD BEAUTY, born October, 1943, bred by Mr. J. T. A' Court and shown by ...

Machinery at the Royal Show

... A* By A Special Correspondent 'A/ THE four days of the Royal Show at Lincoln provided the manufacturer of farm machinery with an unique opportunity of dressing his shop-window and inter viewing his potential customers. Even though limitation of space made it necessary to restrict entries to about 70 per cent, of applications, the machinery section was so extensive that a detailed study would ...

Silver Medallists: at the Royal Show

... Silver Medallists at the Royal Show SILVER MEDALS were awarded by the R.A.S.E. for approved exhibits in a section for new machinery suitable for agricultural or estate purposes. The machinery which gained this distinction is illustrated here, but it is obviously impossible to deal in detail with the individual items. One further winning exhibit is on page 72. ACID SPRAYER, designed and ...

Mechanisation Market

... THE Machinery Section, or, to give it its full title, the R.A.S.E. Exhibition of Implements and Machinery, which also in cluded Educational and Commercial exhibits, was contained within 416 stands. Apart from entertaining the many thou sands of visitors who viewed the exhibits from pure curiosity, and those who were there strictly on business, the Section played a unique and important part in ...