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April 1949
21 23


Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News



London, England

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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

Paris Show-Jumping

... Paris Sliow-Jumping HORSES and riders representing Britain in the Inter national Jumping Competitions in Paris distinguished themselves, both individually and collectively. Not only did Mr. Harry Llewellyn, on Fox Hunter, give the best individual performance, as mentioned in oilr frontispiece, but the British team was also the highest on points. The riders and horses were Mr. Harry Llewellyn ...

A Week in Devon

... DEVON CIDER Air. J. A. Haywood, of the Devon A.E.C. gives a demonstration of some modern orchard-pruning methods at Caddaford Farm, Buckfastleigh, to a group of interested farmers, including the eighty-year-old Mr. John Petherick. THE METAL BOLT The Devon Branch of the N.F.U. brought in Air. Maurice Cross to examine one of Air. S. G. Higmans cows. The detector apparatus located a bolt in the ...

The Goat Announced Her Kidding- time by Wireless: A Simple Idea which Might Help Farmers and Stockbreeders

... The Goat Announced Her Kidding- time by Wireless A Simple Idea which Might Help Farmers and Stockbreeders By Fitzroy D. Maclean (Brig. Beta.) WE are goatkeepers at Purley, Surrey, and it is my belief that we have developed a device which stockbreeders would find helpful. We had a valuable high- milking goat in kid to an outstanding sire. She was due to kid any time. The weather suddenly turned ...

Britain's State Forests: Conifers For Soft Wood

... Britain's State F or ests Conifers For Soft Wood THE timber demands during two World Wars resulted in the reduction of Britain's already inadequate acreage of woodland to such an extent that we were left without the necessary reserves of standing trees. The Forestry Commission is making great progress in establishing new forests throughout the length and breadth of the country to replace the ...

Friendship Gesture: Apple Trees from Sulgrave Manor for George Washington's Garden

... F riendship Gesture Apple Trees from Sulgrave Manor for George Washington's Garden THE mansion, enlarged in 1759 and completed in 1786, looks across the park, in a south-easterly direction, to the mighty Potomac River, which is approximately 1¼ miles wide. It is approached from the north-west, so that the visitor, entering the gates, saw the bowling-green, and the small circular courtyard of ...

The Two Thousand Guineas

... 0 Qg v cKaP0 THE situation as regards the 1949 classics is so far normal. The pattern is being woven on lines to which we have become accustomed during the last few years. Candidates for the Two Thousand Guineas are having their preliminary races, avoiding one another whenever possible. Not more than two or three of them appear to be fancied. There is the usual speculation as to their capacitv ...

America Transports its Fields to the Laboratory

... II AUBURN, ALABAMA The U.S. Department of Agriculture Tillage Machinery Laboratory. The soil 44 bins separated by railst can be seen in the foreground. At the left is the power car, and right is the utility car. THE UTILITY CAR is equipped with a flat roller, used to smooth the soil. It is self-propelled and is also equipped with sub-soilers, a levelling blade disc and sprinkling units. The ...

Orchids--From Microscopic Seed to Beautiful Hybrids

... Orchids From Microscopic Seed to Beautiful Hybrids THE British orchid-growing industry, long recognised as the best of its kind in the world, is constantly receiving demands from new overseas markets. Since the end of the war not only has the American interest increased, but Australia, South Africa, the Straits Settlements, Burma, South America, the West Indies and Scandinavia have also been ...

Electrically Controlled Grazing: A Simple Method of Confining Cattle to Their Essential Feeding Requirements

... Electrically Controlled Grazing A Simple Method of Confining Cattle to Their Essential Feeding Requirements CONTROLLED grazing is being widely discussed among farmers as a means of overcoming the present feeding-stuff shortage. It is generally realised that this is not a short- term question, for who can say at present when the import supply position will improve The logical way to tackle the ...

The Fold and Battery Systems

... By H. Howes (Assistant Director National Institute of Poultry Husbandry IN my previous article of March 23, I briefly alluded to two systems of housing farm poultry-- free range and the fold system. Regarding the latter, there is evidence to prove that poultry kept on these lines are capable of giving an average of 180-200 eggs per bird in the twelve months. It is also realised how poor ...

A Distinguished Family

... By A. CROXTON-SMITH THE terrier family occupies a distinguished place among the sections into which dogs are classified by the Kennel Club, and no one will be disposed to quarrel with the eminence to which it has attained. For many centuries the little earth does have played their part in British country life. They were here long before it was thought to be necessary to have them running in ...

Spring Sales

... THE Red Poll Society report increasing interest in their Reading Shows. The recent Spring Show attracted many buyers and sellers from the West and South, where the Red Poll is popular because of its suitability for the bail system of milking. One hundred and two head (76 females and 26 bulls) of attested cattle averaged £152 3s. 4d. Vendors included Lady Palmer, whose husband, the late Sir ...