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December 1949
26 28


Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News



London, England

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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News

World Record for Britain

... IN Sport Country of January 21, 1944, we reproduced on our frontispiece a photograph of Manningford Faith Jan Graceful, with the heading, Hopes of a World Record. This remarkable cow had then already given over 2,000 gallons in 160 days. She finished that lactation by yielding 3,829 gallons of milk in 365 days, and was still giving 8 gallons daily, thus breaking the British Friesian Milking ...

Up and down the land

... MR. ALEC HOBSON, Secretary of the Royal Agricultural Society of Eng land, has just paid a flying visit to Canada and the United States, where he saw the two great pre-Christmas fat stock shows at Toronto and Chicago. Some of his im pressions were broadcast in the On Your Farm programme of Thursday, Decem ber 15, but put on the air at 12.20 p.m., many who would have liked to hear him could ...

Champion Ferguson Ploughman of Britain and Eire

... AT Brandon Wood Farm, near Coventry, the area winners of the annual Ferguson ploughing com petitions met on Saturday, December 17, for the Grand Final of the 1949 ploughing match. The thirteen men had come from all parts of the British Isles and, as was to be expected, the standard of ploughing was an object lesson to all who saw their work. The judges, after the event, stated that the ...

The East of England Cup

... j The East of i England. Cup By H. Edwards Clarke SOME day you must come and see how we course in East Anglia. How often, I wonder, has this invitation been put to me at Altcar and Druids Lodge by coursing enthusiasts from this traditional stronghold of the sport? So pressing had they become that last week I availed myself of the most recent offer of hospitality and attended the East of ...

Grips That Do Not Yield

... I DO not know any more than any other person does what will be the percentage of golfers using grips on their clubs that have long since seen their freshest and tackiest days. This point has come to my mind at this season of the year, because in the colder weather, grips which all summer have been satisfactory, suddenly become as difficult to hold on to as a block of ice. Once tne hands get ...

Young Smithfield Judges

... YOUNG FARMERS' CLUB members to-day have more opportunities for judging dairy cattle than beef animals, but the results of the Y.F.C. cattle and sheep judging contests at Smithfield Show indicated that some of them have an excellent idea of the type most suited for the butcher. Shropshire Y.F.C. gained 1,025 marks out of a possible- 1,170, leading the twenty- two teams of three. The standard, ...

The Elmwood Herd--The Record-Breaker's Home

... The Elmwood Herd The Record -Breaker's Home IN the autumn of 1940, Messrs. R. E. Jenkinson heard through Mr. Harry Hobson that Mr. George Odium wished to dispose of the older portion of his herd; a meeting was arranged and terms were agreed then and there, Mr. Odium being most anxious that the herd should remain as intact as possible, in order that his construc tive breeding policy be ...

The National Poultry Show

... THE man who breeds poultry on a large com mercial scale, the farmer who runs a flock as a sideline, and the small man who keeps only a few head, all found much to interest them at the fifth National Poultry Show at Olympia. Entries again constituted a record, and many others had to be refused for lack of space. Of the total of 4,300, about 700 were from women poultry-keepers. In addition to ...

Concerning Figs and Grapes

... By Our Horticultural Correspondent IS it a practical proposition to try and grow figs outdoors in this country? I have a fig-tree which makes very vigorous growth every year but never seems to produce a decent crop of mature fruits; what can I do about it? These are questions I am often asked, and interest in the subject appears to be sufficiently wide spread to warrant something more than ...

Bovine Tuberculosis

... By Forceps IS it true that 30 per cent, of our cattle are affected with bovine tuberculosis? The answer, fortunately, is No. It is true, however, that the incidence of the disease in dairy cows is somewhere between 30 and 35 per cent. This is according to an estimate made in 1946 by Mr. J. N. Ritchie. Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer, Ministry of Agriculture. He calculated that 20 per cent, ...

Field Trial Champion

... MRS. A. WORMALD'S Labrador dog, Ch. Knaith Banjo, achieved high honours in the Retriever world when winning I the Open Stake at the Kennel Club's 30th Retriever Trials at Sutton Scotney, Hants. Knaith Banjo, bred, trained and handled by his renowned exhibitor, may now be described as a Dual Champion, i having won three Challenge Certificates at Championship Dog Shows and the necessary wins for ...


... frpays fosay Ssso t TRACTOR VAPORISING OIL ANGLO-AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED I 1 llv pRVĀ°/S/ C Cognac t CcHf^ THE BRANDY OF NAPOLEON V.S.O.P V.V.O NAPOLEON FINE CHAMPAGNE ^Crff^s-^^STANDS FOR OUALIT Y gmj^ Wtm THE WHITLOCK RANGE of precisiou- builc vehicles includes more than 50 types and 100 siies of both timber and steel construction. Latest additions to the range are 1-way and 3-wav ...