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... blackberry TART short crust pastry as follows: Cream' together 4 ozs. of butter mar,, a;;n 2 ozs. of castor sugar, '■vher. nice and light work in 6 ozs. sieved dour and a half teaspoon of baking Do»der, add a tablespoon of milk if CK dough too dry, knead lightly, roll cut and line oven plate with a round the pastry, fill the centre with blackberries which you have picked over well, pus: ...


... BOGART’S AUTOBIOGRAPHY A During a frivolous P eric years ago, Humphrey created for himself a autobiography. He’s still ing to live it down Bogart blandly data from other actors’ 11 and used them as his own. declared he was born Tasmania (Errol Flynn’s blr place), that he had been Texas schoolteacher Sheridan’s line), that he °y.y worked as a Montana (same like Gary Cooper), that his family ...