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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News


... Sir, The lament, What 's the Good uttered by Mr. Croxton- Smith in your issue of May 14 about good-looking gundogs and bad- looking gundogs sounds like a lonely hound baying for the moon. He is quite right in yearning for good-looking gundogs after all, none of us can shoot all the year round and unless the dog is banished to kennel from February to September, he might as well be something to ...


... Sir, The Spanish Question, during Chelsea Show, was the one so frequently asked that exhibitors mostly kept the right forefinger ready pointed towards the north end of main avenue. We believe we answered it more often than most, because apparently most visitors to the show are innate conservatives they automatically turned right on entering the Hospital grounds and we, at the beginning of the ...

The Story of an Owl

... Sir. I enclose two photographs of a tawny owl I brought up this summer. It was dusk on May 28 when we found him lying among the roots of a large beech tree a ball of dun fluff with two outsize eyes set in one end and a pair of monstrous talons protruding from the other. Undoubtedly he was a baby tawny owl. It was bitterly cold and I feared he would perish or be taken by a fox or stoat, so I ...

A Letter That Cheered

... Sir, I am writing to let you know how honoured I was to see my photograph in Henry Cotton's Golf Notes Sport and Country, September 18). No doubt he will remember writing to a young chap who was in a POW camp in Poland during the war that was me, and I would like to take this opportunity of thanking him for that letter which cheered me up tremendously when I felt well and truly in the rough. ...


... Sir, Following Commander Seeker's letter, I should like to draw attention to another potential cause of road accidents. There is an increasing tendency for ex perienced drivers to go about with L plates on their cars. I have an idea that this is illegal, but it frequently happens. If a considerate driver (or even one who cares simply for his own neck) sees an L-car on the road, he probably ...

The Return of the Squirrels

... Sir, I heartily endorse your paragraph on grey squirrels in Up and Down the Land (October 2). Several of us who have been having a crack at the wood-pigeon population in this area have come across squirrels in many of the shaws and a friend tells me he counted a couple of dozen on one large lawn of a private house near woodland recently. There was quite a drive against them in these parts a ...

Cleaning Milking Machine Rubbers

... Sir, In your issue of October 30 you illustrate a Caustic Soakage Unit described as being used for the immersion of a duplicate set of milking-machine rubbers in caustic soda solution for seven to fourteen days. For this weekly de-fatting of milking machine rubbers nothing more elaborate than a 2^-- 3-gallon enamel, glass or earthenware jar is necessary. A spare set of rubbers would normally ...

Legal Aid

... Sir, Not always is legal aid such a gift as most imagine. A farmhand employed by me applied for and was granted legal aid to pay for his divorce petition. No one said how much a divorce would cost without aid no one could forecast that the petition would succeed. He was told that in con sideration of his earnings, he was to pay monthly instalments, the last being due about fho timn hie nlp:i ...

Speed on our Roads

... Sir, One reads about certain cars capable of cruising at over 90 m.p.h., and always there is the added note about being designed for the great straight Continental highways. Chatting (voluntarily) to a motor-cycle traffic policeman the other day, and admiring his beautifully-equipped motor-cycle, he said the trouble was his maximum speed was 85 m.p.h. Surely fast enough for our roads, I said. ...

Rural Craftsmen in School

... Sir, An agricultural course for senior boys is a big feature of Audley Park Second ary Modern School, Torquay. In this course the pupils are given practical instruction in a wide variety of farm and rural work. The pupils in the picture are building a dry wall as part of a fencing scheme on the land adjoining their school. The lads take part in competitions for this work, as they do in ...

And Incense Cedar

... sir, I am a subscriber to Sport and Country, and having read your article in September 4 issue, I wonder if you would be so kind as to advise me. I have a bare and narrow grass strip, bordering a canal- shaped portion of moat which I wish to cover. I have in mind incense cedar, as these, I gather, grow fairly close together and are columnar in habit. Could you please inform me of some nursery ...

Brown Trout in New Zealand

... Sir, A fishing story can be related on the evidence of this photograph of a bag of brown trout in New Zealand and the anglers. When the Governor-General of the Dominion, Lord Norrie, visited the Canterbury Agri cultural College, the authorities there sought to dispense a suitable Viceregal luncheon. The steward of the College Refectory, on being asked if he would like to arrange to serve trout ...