Mr Attlee Should Name the Day at Once

... far greater if the British election had preceded it. The speakers from Australia and New Zealand will be ministers who will speak with the knowledge that they can expect to be in office for more than a few months. At this conference Britain should be the ...

The Socialist Manifesto—a Charter

... declaration that a wage freeze is operating in Britain for the first time in the history of Trade Unionism. The manifesto speaks of the proud record of the unions in holding wages steady. This, of course, is only a polite way of excusing a nation which ...

More Local Rule Wanted

... More Local Rule Wanted Speaking in Forfar, Captain J. A. L. Duncan, prospective Liberal-Unionist candidate for South Angus, said the policy of his party was to stop nationalisation and to denationalise wherever possible. This would reduce the cost of ...

Th An el, in Muni history neolay. Babes i ir.t Church Libretto M'l k>wall specially Musical always heights s

... Monifieth has turned its citizens out in father, wore a stylish dress of white ,tally, it is a very sound piece, fully modulated speaking voice which I large numbers to see this unusual nylon, which featured a sweeping tram, good, and often reaching was heard ...

General Election Notebook South Angus Doings 11uh 01411 - k• before election day interest is increasing in all ..

... combined vote of his opponents. The Liberal-Unionist candidate, Captain J. A. L. Duncan, of Jordanstone, near Alyth, is to speak at three meetings in Carnoustie Tuesday, January 31; Wednesday, February 8, and Tuesday, February 21. At next Tuesday's meeting ...

MONIFIETLI ADVERT! No. 2175. Established 1887. SATURDAY, February 4, 1950

... car were ch.sed. There was a strong smell of alcohol Rooney was slumittol over the wheel with his left hand the seat. His speaking was slurred• The engine of the car was still running and without warning Rooney drove off to the side of the road. Thinking ...

get of which is 1961. There will be twenty professional prises, first AN, second £4O and third ISO, as well

... remarked— The air is like wine. I didn't like to say it but I thought Your nose is like whisky. THAT Auntie Fanny was speaking to the wifie next door who asked her What's a' this I read aboot a split personality —can you explain it to me ? Well ...


... suicide for the Liberals. Colonel William Scott, Letham, chairman of the South Angus Liberal Association, had just begun to speak, when the candidate arrived to take over. He believed, he said, the country's economy to-day was in great danger. They had ...

to arnoustit 11 IS aZette

... nut. ber of floating votes in Carnousta must be very considerable. To al! appearances a candidate may la thought to be speaking very largely to the converted. Without a doubt. however, there are switherers iu every audience. No matter host politicians ...

Perhaps You've Forgotten

... in a hat. After they were well and truly mixed, the hat was passed round and each drew out a question, on which he had to speak for Eve minutes. It was a grand test of knowledge and of quick thinking. The humour which was introduced by a speaker who drew ...

Tribute to Broulhty Lifeboat

... Dundee Rotary Club on Thursday. There was in Dundee a something, an atmosphere, which radiated goodwill, and she could nct speak highly enough of the keenness, efficiency, and warm-hearted goxiness of the R.N.L.'s friends in Dundee. The institution was ...