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Britannia and Eve


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Britannia and Eve

Put That In Your Pipe: Men Are Like Tobacco--You Can't Eradicate The Bad Things In Their Mixture

... Put That In Your Pipe Men Are Like Tobacco-- You Can't Eradicate The Bad Things In Their Mixture By Ray Sonin EDGAR MANCRUSE lolled in a vast chair that was like a throne and looked across the large, overheated study at his uncle's house. To the world at large, Uncle Mancruse was the tobacco magnate-- the same Jno. Seymr Mancruse whose signature sprawls across millions of packets of cigarettes ...

Entwistle's Comma

... /S tmfSS CQWVWlXi, By R. H. Armstrong IT had escaped the notice of all men for over 150 years, but young Billy Entwistle, who was studying the subject, saw it at once. He probed into a mountain of books in case he had made a mistake. It seemed silly; but, wherever he looked, there it was-- in black and white At last, he took the books along to his father. He opened them at places he had marked ...


... You are one of those rare people, he complimented me, who can make a social occasion of charity. A man of considerable tact. You would have done well, Sir, in the Diplomatic Service. At one time, I told him, and in a minor capacity, I was in the Diplomatic Service. That is why I hazard the guess that you were born a long way from here. Shall we say in I prefer not to be reminded of it, he ...

Buy Yourself a Dress

... i 4 4Jff. }/)iN She saw the things he bought her as savage symbols of success, but as a ivoman she needed something of her own By JEANNE WYLIE AT six-thirty Lobo barked in his run behind the house and Gail woke to find a tousled Sam already awake beside her and contemplating the sky as he always did until his life forces were up to full pressure again and he was ready to fling back the covers ...

Armstrong Gives Up Smoking: He Made The Sacrifice But It Did Not Bring Him Any Profit

... Armstrong G ives Up Smoking He Made The Sacrifice But It Did Not Bring Him Any Profit By Laurence Kirk KENNETH ARMSTRONG eked out his army pen sion by being secretary to a small golf club; and golf club secretaries have a good many enemies. There are things called leatherjackets which destroy the carefully tended grass on the greens by the simple process of eating the roots. Small hints push ...

The HOME COMING: Who was he?--three short words destroyed the dreams of ten lonely years

... mi JL homecominI 66 Who was he three short words destroyed the dreams of ten lonely years by PHILIPPA LLOYD WHEN the man awoke, the winter sun was streaming through the windows. For a moment he lay with eyes closed, only conscious of the sun because of the warmth upon his eyelids. Then he opened his eyes and saw Ilse, his daughter, looking down at him. We thought you would like to have ...

the trouble with Simpkins

... H AT Iroulle s *ill> I I c vi^1 md I She wis amazed ill her feelings; anger, resentment and hurt were For ten rears slie had all churning inside her. been content to hide her secret from Jay-until this happened SIMPKINS wedged her long legs more comfortably under the small desk and lifted the cover from her typewriter. Then she inserted a virgin sheet of Brigton Productions notepaper, not ...

you can't speak to Visitors

... BE -M' m?' ;-i> W ilff? JaP*v :v a jfl m vflk- ra// prn/y/ w^/dis By MARY ELLIOTT AS long as Evan could remember, from june to September, the headland had belonged to the villagers and the beach to the summer- visitors, and, whenever he could snatch a moment from his work with Mr. Pugh, the Garage, he would lie on the warm, scented headland turf watching them moving, small as ants, on the ...

The STORY behind the SONG

... f KATHLEEN FERRIER'S voice is better known today-- nearly two years after her untimely death-- than ever it was during her twelve brief years of song. V Why? When she died her record sales were small compared with those -A. of popular singers like Vera Lynn. But tipon her death newspapers *Y* front-paged her switchboard girl to concert singer story. _>k. Since then the bobsleigh of publicity ...

Wayward Adventuress

... sin J UUi)e^lire^ 1 1 aWvar Piquant fascinating, Moll Flanders is a heroine of fiction some think to have been a real person Story by JOHN W. HERBERT LIFE in the seventeenth century could be tough for a friendless girl with a Newgate background and only her wits and a pretty face to help her. While she was young there were the temptations of smooth-tongued admirers, with their presents and ...

My love is a fugitive . .

... My love is a fugitive I by I STELLA MORTON 1 SHE went to the door with him as she always did and kissed him good-bye. She even stood watching for him to turn and give his last wave just before he reached the bend in the lane, but when he had gone she closed the door and went back into the dining-room. She sat down and put her hand over her eyes. Even now she couldn't believe that it had ...

LEGACY for Lovers

... -jEGACY f Jow by JACQUES GILLIES IN other days Gabriel Blunt would have been a buccaneer. He had trekked across Africa, sailed a 20-ft. boat singlehanded from New Zealand to the Fiji Islands, been in four different South American gaols and escaped, and ridden a horse in the Grand National for a bet. Then, when he was twenty-eight, his rich Uncle Rufus died. Gabriel Blunt heard the news lying ...