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Front Matter

... The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News FIRST PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 28, 1874 SPORT COUNTRY |Pn°ndg2dR!cn.d Id. Vol.193. No. 3811. JANUARY 23, 1952. PRICE 2/-. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY Eliewhere Abroid 2d. New York Port Office. ...

Front Matter

... The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News FIRST PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 28, 1874 SPORT COUNTRY Postage Rates Ma'* Maue^Tt^th Elsewhere Xbroad\df Vol. 194. No. 3825. AUGUST 6, 1952. PRICE 2/-. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY New Yo?kpos office ...

Front Matter

... The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News FIRST PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 28, 1874 SPORT COUNTRY Postage Rates Entered as second-class Inland 2d. Canada I Id. _ _ _ _ _ .a Mall Matter at the Elsewhere Abroad 2£d. Vol. 193. No. 3819. MAY 14, 1952. PRICE 2/-. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY New York Post Office ...

Front Matter

... The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News FIRST PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 28. 1874 SPORT COUNTRY Postage Rates Entered as second-class Elsewhere 'Abroad* 2ld* Vol. 193. No. 3822. JUNE 25, 1952. PRICE 2/-. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY New YoJkTost* Office' ...

Front Matter

... The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News FIRST PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 28, 1874 SPORT COUNTRY Postage Rates Entered as second-class Ehewdhe :Ab?d 2dd' Vol. 194. No. 3827. SEPTEMBER 3, 1952. PRICE 2/-. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY nSw YoJk'pon'office' ...