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... ^TESTED., RAVINES PARK, LONDON, S.W.20 Carters Tested Seeds j A section of one of the many GOLD MEDAL Vegetable Exhibits, staged by Carters Tested Seeds Ltd., during 1954. FLOWER, VEGETABLE and LAWN GRASS SEEDS Blue Book of Gardening Catalogue Free on Request I Attractively illustrated, and containing the widest possible i selection of FLOWER and VEGETABLE SEEDS, I SWEET PEAS, BULBS for Spring ...

About Horses

... r r v V NOT long ago the backbone of the small farmer's economy in Cardiganshire was the horse, and nearly every farmer sold two or three a year, many of them going to London dairymen to pull the milk floats. In 1939 there were still some 14,000 horses kept in Cardigan shire, but by last year the number had dropped to 4,500. Breeders from all parts of Wales J attended a recent conference held ...

The British Mink Farmer's Hard Task

... I By Neville Barnett A GLANCE at the fur breeders' magazines of America and Canada points to one very important difference in mink breeding over there and over here. It is the availability of the food for the breeder. In North America fur breeding is an important part of the agriculture of the country, bringing in a substantial income from their produce the pelts. There are numerous firms ...


... Over 300 farmers, merchants and millers and Advisory and Technical Officers attended the third Crop Con ference in Cambridge, organised by the National Institute of Agricultural Botany. Here are some of the points made by the various speakers who dealt with oats. They included Professor E. T. Jones, Director of the Welsh Plant Breeding Station, Mr. E. G. Thomson, head of Crop Improvement ...

Vegetables of Exceptional Merit

... By Our Horticultural Correspondent THE wet summer and autumn of 1954 was bad enough for the grower of vegetables and flowers, but even worse for the seed-producer, who is almost entirely dependent upon sunshine to bring his work to satisfactory completion. A plant may yield edible produce or flowers at little more than half-way through its life, but its final function, the production of seeds ...

North Warwickshire Hunt Ball

... North W arwickshire Hunt Ball DANCING took place in the ballroom of the Shire Hall at Warwick, and the ball was attended by over 450 guests. MISS JUNE THOMPSON and Lieut. R. M. Jarrett. MASTER of the North Warwickshire, Mr. John Watney (right), with Miss Beryl Buckmaster, Joint Master of the Warwickshire, Mr. G. Alderson and Mrs.- Alderson. A GROUP OF GUESTS (I. to r.) Mr. C. W. Gonin, Miss ...

Retriever Championship

... THE 1954 , which is organised by the International Gundog League Retriever Society, was held at Six- Mile Bottom, Newmarket, and at Shadwell Park, Thetford. On the first day the weather was delightful enough from the spectator's angle, but as is often the case under such circumstances at shooting or hunting, scent was far from good at the end of the day three dogs had been eliminated. Scent ...

Still the Same-- or Different?

... Still the Same or Different IT is only necessary to pick up an old golf book and read through it to find that the golf swing has not changed funda mentally. As I study these old volumes I realise that I am impressed more by the dress of the day, by the coats the players wore, by their small-diameter caps, by their cycling breeches and hickory-shafted clubs, and my eye tends to brand the action ...

Reforms by Jockey Club and N. H. Stewards

... Reforms by Jockey Club and N.H. Stewards w NINETEEN-FIFTY-FOUR will not be regarded as having been a season of important legislation as far as the activities of the Jockey Club have been concerned. One good piece of work has, however, been effected. It is now laid down that foals may not be registered until they are yearlings. This is a new provision of Rule 65, and applies to horses born in ...

Secular Silver in Our Country Churches

... An introduction by H. Llewellyn Jones, Secretary of the Historic Churches Preservation Trust, to the Exhibition of Secular Church Plate, which can be seen at Christie's until the end of the month. FROM earliest times the Church has fostered art as a means of expressing some of the truths it teaches. This was inevitable, for art translates inward meaning into tangible form and uses Christian ...

James Buchanan & Co. Ltd

... James Buchanan Co. Led. James Buchanan Co. Ltd. t BLACK'WHITE' j SCOTCH WHISKY By Appointment to the late King George VI mSfcHgro For a friendly HU Greeting You can offer your guests no friendlier welcome than a glass of Black White. Blended in a special way from the pick of Scotland's whiskies, Black White is the outstanding example of just how good Scotch Whisky can be. Ohe Secret Is ...