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Scandinavia--In Soho

... Scandinavia In Solio By T. A. LAYTON HAVE you ever tried to spend a Continental holiday in England, so to speak? It is not so crazy or impossible as it sounds, and if you will read on you will see why. Travel may or may not broaden the mind it certainly broadens the stomach. Of all the northern capitals, probably the one with the highest gastronomic repute just now is Stockholm, truly called ...


... , , C WMBRAN, MON. Telephone: CWMBRAN 3131 London Enquiries: GREAT WEST ROAD, BRENTFORD, HIDDX. Telephone: EALING 0116 A* World-wide experience has contributed to the excellence ot Alfa-Laval milkers which ensure maximum yields of clean milk. Simplified design makes cleaning so easy, protecting the health of your herd and unit price making the milking operation much quicker, and more efficient ...

Surrey Union Pony Club Meet

... MASTERS of hounds are rightly paying more and more attention to the encouragement of children, and it is now customary for many hunts to arrange special Pony Club meets not only at Christmas, but also at the end of the season, during the Easter holidays. The Surrey Union which, after a slow start, has had a good season, held a meet for its Pony Club members at Henfold, Beare Green, at the ...

Too Near or Too Far?

... IT would not be easy to stand nearer to the ball than the capless golfer in the photograph whom I snapped unawares with my Leica and a wide-angle lens when the camera was hanging innocently from my neck-- I just pressed the shutter release at the very moment I wanted. I know this golfer well, a keen player from the south of France, and he plays regularly. As this golfer a powerfully-built man ...

Blackcurrants as a Farm Crop

... IN our issue of March 30 was described the processing of blackcurrants into the fruit- juice drink Ribena, a very rich source of Vitamin C. Plans are being made for a great expansion in the production of this healthful fruit drink and there should be a sure market for many more thousands of tons of home grown blackcurrants. It is a crop which fits in well to the farm economy, particularly ...

New Land From the Cheshire Marshes

... By Sydney Moorhouse ON the Cheshire side of the Mersey estuary, and bordering the Manchester Ship Canal, one of the biggest reclama tion schemes in the country has taken place in the last twelve years. Here, no fewer than 3,100 acres of low-lying, waterlogged land at Frodsham Marsh, most of which was virtually useless to agriculture, have been incorporated in a scheme of cropping and grazing, ...

The North Warwickshire

... THE North Warwickshire was one of those unfortunate hunts which not only had a much delayed start to the season but was later held up by floods and then by frost. Because of weather conditions, there was, in fact, a considerable gap between the time of making our first arrangements to spend a day with these hounds and our actual visit. The meet was at Hatton House, near Warwick, the home of ...


... THE tunny are paying their annual visit to Madeira, and the run is said to be the best ever recorded. The fish turn up with complete regularity at this time of year in the neighbourhood of Funchal, and every available boat goes out after them. The cost is about £1 a day, with boatman; reasonable enough, even in the £60 Island, so named because that is the cost of a return fare, and you can ...

The Cottesbrooke Horse Trials

... THE Horse Trials Season, after the preliminary disappointment of the cancellation of the Gisburn event because of waterlogged ground, opened most successfully with the British Horse Society's one-day trials at Cottesbrooke Hall, Northampton, on ground lent by Major and the Hon. Mrs. Macdonald-Buchanan. It was the first time that trials had been held here, and the interesting course, which ...

Gentlemen v. Players

... Gentlemen v Players THIS new fixture in the Golfing Calendar has been hailed by all as a worthy one, and it was bad luck that the newspaper strike in London hindered the spreading of the news of this interesting encounter to golfers. Alec Hill produced his full Walker Cup side against a team of pros which I led, and which was a very strong one, for the majority had been in the team which beat ...

A-Roving to Geneva

... STRICTLY speaking, this should be a-rovering, if there is such a word, because it con cerns a trip to the International Motor Exhibition in Geneva in a new Rover 75 saloon. It can not be said that the start of this 1,100-mile journey was very propi tious. but that was not the fault of the car. Leaving the borders of Kent and Surrey at eight o'clock in the morning, with 2J hours to catch ...

Plant Protection Ltd

... W wnr Sport Country, 13.4.55 'What's G9H9GI0, got to do with my wedding cake?' Quite a lot You can't make a wedding cake without flour. And 'Agroxone' 4 which is based on C9H9C103 helps to produce the wheat from which flour is made. 'Agroxone' 4 MCPA selective weedkiller can be applied to all cereal crops at little cost, and is specially formulated I for easy spraying. The result-- cleaner ...