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June date with Dallas Scalpay man Jackie Morrison is to fly out to America in June next year to start

... June date with Dallas Scalpay man Jackie Morrison is to fly out to America in June next year to start filming his walk-on part in the hit TV series, ‘‘Dallas’’. Mr Morrison (63) revealed the news to the ‘Gazette’ on his return from an all-expenses paid ...

Wool chiefs at knitwear seminar

... at exhibitions on the mainland by training or retraining people here to improve their skills by exploring markets in North America and coordinating orders too big for any one small company’’. He added that “‘these activities, along with daily support to ...

In Search of Lewis — 207

... seaweeds he picked up on the beaches of the Taobh Siar. He sent them to Edinburgh to be identified. Every one of them came from America. The letter from Edinburgh conveying this news became flotsam itself, in a sense. It went, in error, to The Nisolson Institute ...

Point Plavers

... *‘the one who came’’, played by Donald lan Mac Seen. The whole play had to do with the return of a long lost relative from America who elected to play a little game by posing as Christopher Columbus and thereby disturbing the time scales of the household ...


... building will create so many well paid jobs that Lewismen from all over the world, especially those in America, will rush home and as most of them from America will be penniless, the Russians, at no cost, will send their finest cruise ships to take them back ...

Sale of Work raises £2,400

... to be inducted to the charge early in 1986. Dr. Maclntyre and his wife, | also a doctor, are Scottish, and left to work in America after graduating from Glasgow University. Both have visited Harris on several occasions and having lived on Tiree and Orkney ...


... After the election the Sandinistas were returned with 69 per cent of the total vote. In turning against this small country, America has forced Nicaragua to seek aid from the Soviet Union, being unable to get credit from many of the international and world ...

Stornoway, July 26

... Miss Dolina Montgomery on her retiral to Leurbost this week and to Miss Kathleen Macleod on her marriage and new life in America at the end of the month. Both ladies were valued members of committee and we wish them much happiness in the years ahead. ...

and learning sessi

... carefree time til they make their return journey Meantime, their young friends a ice out [n ournev to be taken bv Alasdai America a Mr Lachlan Macquee ...

Honour for Lewis designer

... Alice Starmore has achieved international recognition by being the only non-American to be invited to the Knitting Guild of America’s first annual convention. Alice, who has had three books published by Bell and Hynam of London, has been steadily establishing ...

L NICARAGUA * Sir, — In January, 1959, the ; Batista Government in Cuba was :overthrown by a revolutionary ..

... in the communist , net. * The American Government has no option but to be interested in ; Central America. The Caribbean ~ Basin, of which Central America is part, borders the United States. 4Half of all US seaborne trade ~ passes through the region as ...

lain Stephen

... lain Stephen A possible place would be America M,y wife says Britain’s too cold for her.’ Another breed of exile is separation from the associations of youth — ‘green trams on their wires’ — and a remote feeling of loss which this brings. The forest of ...