PC ?? Notice of Birt

... h, Marriace, or Death can be fr inserted unless authenticated' by the name and r address of the sender. lhe charge fortheinsertion of of such notices when prepaid is Is. each, prov ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RITH. On Tueafay, in Hailey-Rreet, the Right Hon. Ladv. Charlotte Lenox, the Lady of Grtscral Ltflox, ,and daughter to the Duke of Goirdon, of a daughter, heing tbe twelfth chiid in, the thirteenth yearvf her marli.&ge. MARRIAGES. On Sunday fe'noight. at Hliackley, Mr. William Turner, bookfelier, of Hill (lately of Nottingham), to Mifs Sophia Hamilton, danghter of Mr. Ilamil- .to, n-annager ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -wmn- HER MAJfESTr's BIRTH Ddr. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 18oO0 rlflHEIR Majeffies and the Princeffes came to St. AL James 's Palace at half paft twelve, where the Qteen, and her Royal daughters, dreffed for their appearance among the numerous company who attended. The Ode for the new year was performed in the Anti-Room adjoining the grand council-chan- b er. The Archbifhop of Canterbury delivered ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... at MARRIAGES. [Dt On Tuefday lafl, at the Holy Trinity Church this town, by tihe Rev. James Stillingfleet, Aviton Terry, Efq. merchant., to mhiis Charlotte Jarratt, 0 daughter of the Mte John Jarrartt Efq. of thii place. On Thurlilav fe'nilight, Mr Taylor, of IHolrby, to W Mifs Webiler, of York. rg On Monday laft, at Gainfborough, Capt. irm. A- Andei'ton, ttr Mifs Latighton of the fanm e place ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... in _ _ _ _ _ ?? ?? iA ;lerth g g£'X a ' le. id *. No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be ad Inserted unless anthenticated by the name andl d address of the sender. Th2 charge for the inser'ion ad of snch notices when prepaid is Is. each, provided go the space ocenpied does not exceed five line;, and h, 6d. per line for anythiagradditional. A charge of vr is. extra will be made for ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rtIrx., rsg4jzrnzq, and C~E~ep. 5,~ BIRTHS. o CAPS-St 15, at PRock Ferry, the wife Era:: Cape, of a son. Dix.N-Sept. 14, at 79, Rlawcl&i&eroadwIteon, of George N. Dixon, of a son. EDWARDs-Se-o 5.at S6,Antfeld-road, thefcf Edwards, of a son, ?? 14, at Grange-lane, c:--C t_- wife of 0. S. Pillington, of a son, VAVGHAN,-Sept. 8, Eliztbeth Vaughan, ?? - ]lobert Vaughan, of a daughter. WARDELLSePt. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 5, B IWt% t urringeo, d eat . ?? No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be .y inserted unless authenticated by the name and address of the sender. The charge for the insertion of such notices when prepaid is is. each, provided in the space occupied does not exceed five lines, and r. 6d. per line for anything additional A charge of Is. extra will be made for booking. e, Is BIRTHS. is ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'WXoatiS: 18 AND 20. PARK -LANE. mwfie2S ma rirthsp k, arri~gc~, andV ietks. de * No oticr of Birthb larrinpe. or Death can be P' inseree,i un;e-s a1ithectiasedf by the canoe and th ?? ci' th. s'r. The charge for the insertion - a- >n'-h nti, e. nh-n prt, Iidr is Is. each. provided the ts I sace oca-ipied *loes nix *aceed five linles, and 6d. per bet fne forancinno additonal. Acharge of Is. ...