... SATURD AY EVENLWD CONC0R0 . DU These delightl lii concerts have closed for a season,.and ry it may not be ot it of place, feeling, as we do, so deep an ee interest in their success, that we should make a few com- a- ments an the ix ifluence which they have exercised over xl ill the minds and character of the masses who frtquent *4 O at. thenm,jaust to o ffer a few simple reflections, and to ...


... REV IEWS. . . .1 - Trhe Daltors: or, Tree BR,)ct¢s in Life. By Charles Lever. Illustrated by Phiz. London: Chap- man and all, 1m3, Piccadilly (late 186, Strand); J. Menzies, Edinburgh ; J. M-Glashan, Dublin. The number for June of this romance transfers the scene to Anstrian aristocratic life, and, by involving the fate of the heroine in the intrigues of statesmen and of priests, gives to it a ...


... Speak gently to tho young, for they Will have enough to bear, Pass through this life as best they may, 'Ti full of anxious care. Never cast a shadow O'ex the stul of youth; Leave it In its trusting faith, Its unsullied truth; Leave it with its buoyant hopes, Its longings wild and deep; Let no mournful prophet-voice O'er its thrilling pulses sweep. Teach it not the lesson Of falaehood and of ...


... The Scottish Review.m anc We invite the attention of our readers to a of I triumphant refutation, in the pages of the Scot- mot tish Review, of Blackwood's late attack upon Tha temperance and teetotal societies. ords Beltley's Miscellany. As The Bentley of July is replete with interesting a .ST information both in its literary and political de- 185' partments. A paper, entitled Turkey, ...


... ?? -, DtJL- % tiit (Freom Le FoUee.) lnet This being holiday period with the courts ofjustice and we all public offices, family fetes and pleasure excursions nst have caused great demand for ball and evening dresses. n- They are generally simple, but the recherche i's not pro- oa ,lit hibited: they are composed of crepe lisse-blue, pink, bri ,ise white, light green, or yellow; of white ...


... F 0 R G I V E. ',Forgive thy brother! oh, forgive, ?? bejatdone thee wrong - Let It not rankle In thine heart, With passion wild and strong; Remermbers him that with mankind In mercy long hath striven Hath said that we must first forgive, If we would be forgiven. Forgive! oh, yes, forgive, and let Thy soul no malice bear; Search thlue own heart, and put avway What enmity is there. Oh, do not ...


... I llw? ?btltcttouo- I At the request of ax esteemed friend, we hare pleasure is republishing, froma one of our early volumnes, the fol- lowing lines, respecting the merits of which our opinion coincides with that of out correspondent ?? iSTANZAS, 'ritfet as an Inscriptirn for a Tablet is a Vilage Churchyard. 0 stranger! let no ill-timed tear Be shed for those who slumber here; But rather envy ...


... LITERARY IOTJCES. ot Ifreoirs of the Ltf, of Sir WaQer Scott. Vol 1. Robert OX Cadell, Edinburgh; Murray, Whitalkor, and Co.. London, 0, 2837.-The first volumne of the life of the great novelist by 10 his son-in-law, Mr. Lockhart, to whom Sir Walter especially iC deputed the task of writing his memoirs in his last will Or and testament, proves that it could not have been left in t- better ...


... . *tc, T4 0 We select the following from ?? little ?? Of poems, by WiUlam Stan aoBcoe, just pubish :- 1 LINES p WRIITrltN IN0 tASINO THROiur VALE CRUCIS,.. INOC., OCT .. Vale of the Cross, the shepherds tell 'Tis sweet within thy vroodS to diwell! For there are sin ted shadows seen I That frequent hauut thy deevy green; n In wandering weindas the dirge is sung, 'The convent bell by spirits ...


... Ortgwal. THE GRAVE SONG. BY THOMAS CAMBRIA JONNS. Tbe bell's tolling slowly, And call home the dead, Where bodies sleep lowly Within the earth.bed. The heart that was shaken Lies painless and still; The spirit hath taken Her journey from il?. As the flower that is faded, And to the earth flung, Lies the dust death hath shaded When its last bell bath rung. Vainly the living Are for the dead ...


... THEATRA ROYPAL *. I lrlvrss41O'orrespondent.) The ena~agentent 6f 31r. Blitchilllt'@ Italian, opera Co Butya Collbpffy has proved hgighly attractive, iii we re- g ret that to~night their' 13bours come to a close. Durln~ hitl tho brief week ofI' their perfoirmlance, they have appeareca h' in It fwr than fouir popular operas, .wbieh have been 1131 as effet~iveC as operas produced under Such ...


... I THE REFORM BILL.-BIRMINGHAM REFORMERS | UAGAZINE I The second number of the Birmingham Political Union Monthly Register, or Rlefoimer: Magazine, has been received,. and may be bad at our office, price 6d. A few copies of the preceding one have also been forwarded to us, and those who wish to preserve an unbroken series of this spirited publication would do well to procure; S them without ...