... SHAKESPEARE. 1 The Triumph of the Philistines is a faint e reflex of Saints and Sinners.' Mr. B. A. Jones P is a most prolific writer for the stagse, and peradventure he may have forgotten this one of his earlier pieces, for its title does Dot figure in the enumeration which graces the outer and inner a peges of the printed book of The Triumph of the Philistines. It is difficult to ...


... LITEMARY NOTICES. of hl IrIsh Dreida dcd Old Irish ReIgion& By ohie, James 0Bonwiek, F.RG.S. (London : Griffith, t Farran, and Co. 6s.). Theautor of thiswork, Sp . -whose pen has covered a tolerably wide range 4(nn ,e, of s4bj0cthas compiled one of the meet com- goasi thendiou5books extant uponl the Draidism of Writ( th, island He views Ireland, fram an read k, antiquarian and ethnological ...


... * Pictures by the old'masters would seem to be at a discount at the present time. At a sale at Christie's recently quite a number went for less than £10 apiece. Even examples from il what were once famous collections are now i beins diposed of under the hammer §t un- 3fwfigures A picture of A Fete - Chaipee calogued as by Giorgione, fm g the Balsazz Pesaro, Venice, went for 37 gumeas; ...


... L Mz. Egerto Owtle, who is perhaps the L fist living ?? fenciIg, WMjl contri- bute to the Febray number of the mew w R ew-an.article¢a Some istorie- )Uels, , which, in accordancej with the. new custom of L the-Beview, w2 be illustred by a seies of d pen -ink setches by Mr. Dougls Conzh.; L -a young American artist, -who has recently r made-as successful ppeance in -this coaa 5 Some six ...


... TO THE EDITOBS OF THE LIVERPOOL M1ERCURY. Gentlemen,-At a meeting of the British Association in Manchester during the year 1861, Dr. Collingwood, of Liverpool, read a paper before section D On a Scheme to inducethe Mercantile Marine to assist 'in the Advancement of Science by the Intelligent Collection of Objects of Natural History from all parts of the Globe. The object of this scheme was ...


... THEIR TOUR IN AMERICA. HIOMEWARD JOURNEY OF SEVERAL MEMBERS. In previous issues we gave some particulars of the tour of the lihonclda Glee Party in America up to a certain point of their jour- ney. On the 22nd of September tle parlbty, after accepting an agieenient to sing for a weelk at Grotto for 450 dollars, returned to Chicago. Next day they visited various places of interest iii the city. ...


... AF11RIUAN PYGMIES FOL- PARifS EX11{ITI'TON. HOW BMi-hOi T1UOKX dt FOILL1iJ) A Ml ?? - U'F1{?MAN? TRAUlER. l itirdT Jos' 'ire current issue, of the Anti-chive hl Drilb Reportere', the organ of the Brit ishl arid Foreign VV ?? -silivery Society, publishes an intereetfagl do 151c1- latter froar Bishop '1uckcr,- written from al of CUgandql cii February 23. 'fhe hishap had ju~.. no ceit. ...


... , VU Ai LATEST WORKS PUBLISHED. ?? IV BOOKS. thl or 'The L-etters of the, Younger Pliny,'' new ,vI edition. Translated by J. B. Firth. B3A. Tw o robotics, is. 6d. each. London: o 'Walter ,cott (t,imited). by knmougst the, most, recent additions to the (, nretty sefries of books known as the Scot~t T Blibrary are two vslttiues of letters by the I Vounterer Pliny. Thle correspondenceL of V1inly ...


... , THEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. Mr. Charles Golletto and his fellows had a SO, hearty reception abt the Theatre Itoyal, Car- diff, on Monday evening, when they played the American comedy, What Happened to Jones. The comedy is always received as a T 1 favoutrite pieco, with its daring introduction (tin of the central pharacter and the quaint entan- prie glemnent3 that grow out of the plot. Mr. Col- ...


... 3BooKS AND PERIODICALS I BBVIEWS OF THE LATEST WOPKS stra: app; PUBLISHED. very man FEEn RENAISSANCE. guaj ,,An Introduction to the Study of tho Ronaie- near samec. BY Lilian F. Field. Losedoit: Smithl, 'girl- Elder. and Co., Waterloo-place. her The. renaissance-that great period fraught Qua, with puch far-reaching results to modern civi- is ,isatio-his been the subject of books innmm r-hae ...


... ROYAL VISITORS AT: LLANDUDNO. | WELSH ICONCERT IN THE PIE, R PAVILION. CCHMTFA NON PRESENTS AN ADDRESS. FEO [I: OUR OWRN COR1ESPONDENti- BANG OR, Wednesday ne N For t he fist time since their rtrli'al 'the Dukoand Duchess of York Were to-daty favoue-d with aw beautifully flee day, onl the Ocasion of their, visit to Lalandudiln, wh ichl town Nvnas mlost taitetoaly decorattd onour of the event ...


... (October 30. 1899). 1e At ten in the morning the 12-pounder guns lO of the Naval Brigade arrived, and were Tot into position with marvellous rapidity. With three -hots the Boer biv gun was silenced, our e men dropping the shells right into the para- pet and wreckinu the ?? Paper. There's a little man in blue (Much the saitie as me an' you), And 'e keeps a sort of gun we 'aven't got, 01 'E 'as ...